Life in a Thousand Worlds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Life in a Thousand Worlds.

Life in a Thousand Worlds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 193 pages of information about Life in a Thousand Worlds.

    We will have everything we can use,
      In those beautiful realms of light;
    There the people will do as they choose,
      For each one will choose to do right.

    We will sail through the seas of beauty,
      And return to the shores we please;
    Far away from the callings of duty,
      In the shade of undying trees.

    All the riches of Christ will be ours,
      ’Tis a wealth without guilt or pain. 
    There will be no ‘Contention of Powers’,
      Nor the marks of official stain.

    As I look from this earthly station,
      I exclaim again and again—­
    O what an eternal vacation! 
      Come quickly, Lord Jesus, Amen.


A World of High Medical Knowledge.

I spent a long and profitable season in the vicinity of the Great Dipper, witnessing the almost infinite variations of human life as found from world to world, and looking upon the wild wastes of the many planets that are not inhabited.

Finally I again spread my swift wings, reached the beautiful star Arcturus and noticed among the worlds that revolve around it a few that are sinless.  I was tempted to pause at one or another of these exceptional stations, but I knew that I could not tarry until I had reached the far distant constellation of Scorpio.

In this wide flight I traveled a distance so great that I will not weary the mind with mentioning the trillions of miles.  Now I was in the direct path of the Milky Way and my imagination staggered as I saw the endlessness of stars and solar systems, as far out beyond me as my assisted eyes could reach.

The star at which I arrived is one of the largest suns that blaze in the depths of immensity.  It is so wonderfully great that if twelve hundred million worlds as large as ours were all crushed into one great ball, it would not make one sphere as immense as this star or sun, around which revolve about five hundred worlds or planets, many of which are greater than our Jupiter.  With abounding interest I visited all the inhabited worlds of this vast system.  How long it took I have no way of knowing.  I did not count time by hours or heart throbs, for I was so wrapt in my observations that all else was as nothing to me.

Some of these worlds sustain a low order of human creatures, while on others there are races that have reached a high degree in the scale of advancement.  Of these five hundred worlds nearly one-half are barren of all life, and of those that are inhabited some twenty are sinless worlds and thirty are now passing through an intermediate period between the probationary life and the final judgment, a period toward which we are anxiously looking and which we designate as the Millennium.

Of all this ponderous solar system there is one world that excels all the others in its medical attainments, and of this one first I will give a flying notice.

Project Gutenberg
Life in a Thousand Worlds from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.