Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

Camping For Boys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Camping For Boys.

In a general way, any abdominal pain that does not yield in 24 hours to rest in bed with application of external heat, should call for the advice of a physician.  Any severe attack of vomiting or diarrhea, accompanied by temperature, and not immediately traceable to some indiscretion in diet, is cause for study, and if improvement does not soon show itself, a physician should be called.

Pains in the extremities, particularly joints, if not clearly showing signs of improvement in two or three days, should also be the object of a physician’s visit, as a fracture near a joint, if not correctly treated early, may result in permanent deformity.

The camp physician, or director, if he himself assumes the medical responsibilities, should enforce the rule that all boys who do not have a daily movement of the bowels see him, and he should always be ready to receive such cases and give them the necessary treatment.

The drawings by Albert G. Wegener illustrate in a general way what the trouble is when one feels a distinct, persistent pain.

Among healthy boys, in camp, thoracic pains, other than those due to muscular strain, are uncommon, but when severe, especially if accompanied by a rise of temperature (over 99.5 degrees) and not readily succumbing to rest in bed, should be investigated by a physician.

[Illustration:  Sites of Pain.]


The accompanying diagrams indicate what ailment may be looked for if there is a persistent pain. (Adapted from Butler; Diagnosis.)

1.  Disease of bone.  Tumor or abscess in chest.  Weakening of the aorta.  Stomach trouble.

2.  Catarrh [1], or cancer or ulcer of stomach.  Disease of spinal column.  Inflammation of pancreas.

3.  Lack of blood.  Neuralgia of rib nerves.  Pneumonia.  Enlarged glands.  Disease of chest wall.  Disease of back-bone.  Shingles.

4.  Liver disease.  Weakness of abdominal aorta.  Heart disease.

5.  Disease of diaphragm or large intestines.

6.  Heart disease.  Large intestines.  Locomotor ataxia [2].

7.  Pleurisy.  Violent vomiting.  Coughing.

8.  Colic.  Gravel.  Movable kidney.  Enlarged spleen.  Dyspepsia.  Lack of blood.  Debility.

9.  Sharp abdominal pains indicate the following:  Ulcer or cancer of stomach Disease of intestines.  Lead colic.  Arsenic or mercury poisoning.  Floating kidney.  Gas in intestines.  Clogged intestines.  Appendicitis.  Inflammation of bowels.  Rheumatism of bowels.  Hernia.  Locomotor ataxia [2].  Pneumonia.  Diabetes.

10.  Neuralgia.  Clogged intestines.  Abdominal tumor.  Kidney colic.  Tumor or abscess of thigh bone.  Appendicitis if pain is in right leg.

11.  Lack of blood.  Hysteria.  Epilepsy.  Disease of bladder.  Nervous breakdown.

12.  Foreign substance in ear.  Bad teeth.  Eye strain.  Disease of Jaw bone.  Ulcer of tongue.

Project Gutenberg
Camping For Boys from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.