The Religion of the Ancient Celts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about The Religion of the Ancient Celts.

The Religion of the Ancient Celts eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 445 pages of information about The Religion of the Ancient Celts.


[597] Ethnol. in Folklore, 104 f.

[598] D’Arbois, PH ii. 132, 169; Dottin, 240.

[599] Justin, xxxii. 3; Strabo, iv. 1. 13.

[600] S. Gregory, In Glor.  Conf. ch. 2.  Perhaps the feast and offerings were intended to cause rain in time of drought.  See p. 321, infra.

[601] Adamman, Vita Colum. ii. 10.

[602] See Holder, s.v.

[603] D’Arbois, RC x. 168, xiv. 377; CIL xii. 33; Propertius, iv. 10. 41.

[604] See p. 349, infra.

[605] Cf.  Ptolemy’s [Greek:  Deouana] and [Greek:  Deouna] (ii. 3. 19, 11. 29); the Scots and English Dee; the Divy in Wales; Deve, Dive, and Divette in France; Devon in England; Deva in Spain (Ptolemy’s [Greek:  Deoua], ii. 6. 8).  The Shannon is surnamed even in the seventh century “the goddess” (Trip.  Life, 313).

[606] Holder, s.v.; D’Arbois, PH ii. 119, thinks Matrona is Ligurian.  But it seems to have strong Celtic affinities.

[607] Rh[^y]s, HL 27-29, RC iv. 137.

[608] On the whole subject see Pictet, “Quelques noms celtiques de rivieres,” RC ii. 1 f.  Orosius, v. 15. 6, describes the sacrifices of gold, silver, and horses, made to the Rhone.

[609] Maury, 18.  By extension of this belief any divinity might appear by the haunted spring.  S. Patrick and his synod of bishops at an Irish well were supposed to be sid or gods (p. 64, supra.) By a fairy well Jeanne d’Arc had her first vision.

[610] Greg.  Tours, Vita Patr. c. 6.

[611] See Reinach, Catal.  Sommaire, 23, 115; Baudot, Rapport sur les fouilles faits aux sources de la Seine, ii. 120; RC ii. 26.

[612] For these tablets see Nicolson, Keltic Studies, 131 f.; Jullian, RC 1898.

[613] Sebillot, ii. 195.

[614] Prologue to Chrestien’s Conte du Graal.

[615] Sebillot, ii. 202 f.

[616] Ibid. 196-197; Martin, 140-141; Dalyell, 411.

[617] Rh[^y]s, CFL i. 366; Folk-Lore, viii. 281.  If the fish appeared when an invalid drank of the well, this was a good omen.  For the custom of burying sacred animals, see Herod, ii. 74; AElian, xiii. 26.

[618] Gomme, Ethnol. in Folklore, 92.

[619] Trip.  Life, 113; Tigernach, Annals, A.D. 1061.

[620] Mackinley, 184.

[621] Burne, Shropshire Folk-Lore, 416; Campbell, WHT ii. 145.

[622] Old Stat.  Account, xii. 465.

[623] S. Patrick, when he cleared Ireland of serpents, dealt in this way with the worst specimens.  S. Columba quelled a monster which terrified the dwellers by the Ness.  Joyce, PN i. 197; Adamnan, Vita Columb. ii. 28; Kennedy, 12, 82, 246; RC iv. 172, 186.

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The Religion of the Ancient Celts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.