Conditions in Utah eBook

Thomas Kearns
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 33 pages of information about Conditions in Utah.

Conditions in Utah eBook

Thomas Kearns
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 33 pages of information about Conditions in Utah.
the sick; he is called upon to pay his share of the expense for the 2,500 missionaries of the church who are constantly kept in the field without drawing upon, the general funds of the church.  When all this is done, it is found that, in defiance of the old and deserved boast of the predecessors of the present president, there are some Mormons in the poorhouses of Utah, and these are sustained by the public taxes derived from the Gentiles and Mormons alike.

Broadly speaking, the Gentiles compose 35 per cent of the population and pay one-half of the taxes of Utah.  In the long run they carry their share of all these great charges.

The almost unbearable community burden which is thus inflicted must be visible to your minds without argument from me.

Let it be sufficient on this point for me to say that all the property of Utah is made to contribute to the grandeur of the president of the church, and that at his instance any industry, any institution, within the State, could be destroyed except the mining and smelting industry.  Even this industry his personal and church organ has attacked with a threat of extermination by the courts, or by additional legislation, if the smelters do not meet the view expressed by the church organ.

Mr. President, I ask to have read at this point an editorial from the Deseret Evening News of October 31, 1904, which I send to the desk.

The president pro tempore.  The Secretary will read as requested.

The Secretary read as follows: 


[Organ of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.]

     Salt lake city, October 31, 1904.

     Away with the nuisance.

The people of Salt Lake City are waking up to the realization of the trouble of which our cousins out in the country are complaining.  The sulphurous fumes which have been tasted by many folks here, particularly late at night, are not only those of a partisan nature emanating from the smokestacks of the slanderers and maligners, but are treats bestowed upon our citizens by the smelters, and are samples of the goods, or rather evils, which farmers and horticulturists have been burdened with so long.  Complaints have come to us from some of the best people of the city, of different faiths and parties, that the air has been laden with sulphurous fumes that can net only be felt in the throat, but tasted in the mouth, and they rest upon the city at night, appearing like a thin fog.
The fact is this smelter smoke will have to go; there is no mistake about that.  If the smelters can not consume it, they will have to close up.  This fair county must not be devastated and this city must not be rendered unhealthful by any such a nuisance as that which has been borne with now for a long time.  The
Project Gutenberg
Conditions in Utah from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.