The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires.

The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 66 pages of information about The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires.
It is fermented with Metals, viz, the White existant in the highest Whiteness, with pure Silver for the White; but the Sanguineous Stone, with Gold Obrizon for the Red.  And this is the Work of three dayes, &c.

HELMONT, Of Eternal Life

For I have oftentimes seen it, and with, my hands handled the same, &c.  See in the same place further.  Then I projected this quarter of one Grane, wrapt up in Paper, upon eight Ounces of Argentvive, hot in a Crucible, and immediately the whole Hydrargyry, with some little noise ceased to flow, and remained congealed like yellow Wax:  after fusion thereof, by blowing the bellows, there were found eight Ounces of Gold, wanting eleven Grane.  Therefore, one Grane of this Powder, transmutes 19186 equal parts of Argentvive, into the best Gold.
Within the Earth, the aforesaid Powder is found, or what is in a sort like thereunto, which transmutes almost an infinite Mass of impure Metal into perfect Gold, by uniting the same to it self, it defends from Rust, and AErugo, from Cankring, and Death, and maketh the same, as it were, immortal, against all torture of Fire, and Art, and transfers it into the Virgin-purity of Gold; it requires only heat.

The same Helmont, Of the Tree of Life.

I am compelled to believe the Aurifick, and Argentifick Stone; because at several distinct:  times, with my own hand, made projection of one Grane of this Powder, upon some thousands of Granes of Argentvive hot in a Crucible; and in the presence of our principal friends, the business, with a pleasing admiration, succeeded well in the Fire:  as our books promise Thee, &c.

The same.

He, who first gave me the Powder, had at least, so much thereof, as would be sufficient for transmuting two hundred thousand pound weight of Metal, into Gold, &c..

The same.

For he gave to me not so much as half a grane of that Powder, and with that were transmuted nine ounces, and three quarters of an ounce of Argetitvive.  That was given me one Evening by a strange Friend, &c

The same

So also it is written, that sixty years since, Alexander Scotus, made projection of that kinde, in the trust:  famous City of Colonia and Hanovia, &c..

I cannot in this place over-pass, some Examples worthy of note, touching the possibility of Transmutation.

Read the following true Extract out of an Epistle written by Doctor Kufflerus.

Project Gutenberg
The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.