The Foundations of Japan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 576 pages of information about The Foundations of Japan.

The Foundations of Japan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 576 pages of information about The Foundations of Japan.

“Livestock, his family,” 386

Living, Bare, 261;
  Better 370;
  Cost of 278;
  Standard of 65, 85, 310, 240;
  “What men live by” 27;
  “Living Power” 322

Lizard story 5

Lobster 318

Locks 183

Locusts 20

Logic v. feeling 29

Loin cloth 125, 307

London 64;
  Market 357

Lonely spot 127;
  “Lonelyism” 319

Loochoos 236, 391

Loquat 289

Lorries 621

Loss 201, 203

Lotus 48, 146

Louse 107

Love, Not easy to fall in, 102;
  Not free 102;
  Four loves 61

Loyalty 174

L.T. 372

Lubin, David, vii

Lucky days 126

Lugubriousness, Absence of, 273

Lumbering, see Forests; 194-5

Lunacy, see “Natural”

“Lusitania” 202

Luther 94

Luxury 2, 19, 151

Lying 124

Macaroni 272, 351, 381

McCaleb, J.M., 364

Machi xxv

Mackintoshes 47

Maeterlinck 99

Magazines 18, 58, 282

Mahomedanism 101

Maid servant 324

Maillol 103

Maize, see Hokkaido, 146, 148, 272, 381 (2)

Malaya 127

Mallets 359

Manchester Guardian 339

Man 150;
  “Man and Wife” 121;
  Development 202;
  with a monument 41;
  Study of 119;
  Manfulness 205

Manchuria 21, 354, 356-7, 363 (2), 390, 394;
  Railway company 357

Mangoku doshi 78

Mantles 74, 76

Manners, see Etiquette 17, 19

Manual labour 50

Mantegna 103

Manure, see Benjo; 230, 232-3, 259, 264, 298,
  308, 313, 346, 352, 374, 380-2, 384, 386;
  Artificial 49, 85, 92, 136;
  Better manuring 370;
  Co-operation 49;
  Manure blessed 82;
  House 22, 137, 150, 215;
  Green 386;
  Liquid, for Vegetables, 350;
  “Livestock, his family,” 386;
  Odour 49;
  Students and 50;
  Tanks 214-5;
  “White steam rising” 137

Maples 25, 52

Market, No, 127

Marmots 166

Marriage, see Weddings, Unmarried;
  11, 114-5, 138, 170, 193, 220, 247, 284, 293,
  315, 330, 379, 380, 395, 400;
  Ages 332;
  Marrying for love, 102;
  Remarriage 197

“Marrow of Japan, The,” xv

Masses 132

Mascots 310

Masters and men, 174, 315

Materialism 2, 27-8, 212, 324

Matisse 103

Mats, see Tatami, 177, 215, 270, 304

Matsue 243, 253-4

Matsukata, see Labour

Matsumoto 148, 150, 391

Matter 100

Matthew, St., 94

Project Gutenberg
The Foundations of Japan from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.