Scandinavian influence on Southern Lowland Scotch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Scandinavian influence on Southern Lowland Scotch.

Scandinavian influence on Southern Lowland Scotch eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Scandinavian influence on Southern Lowland Scotch.

WICHT, adj. strong, vigorous, skillful.  Bruce, VII, 263; Ramsay,
    I 253.  O.N. vigr, fit for battle, skilled in war, from
    vig, battle, Sw. vig, active, M.E. wiht, valiant.  B-S.
    queries the word, but thinks it may come from M.L.G. wicht,
    heavy, thus the same word as Eng. weight.  This meaning is,
    however, not satisfactory.  The Sco. usage is that of the
    Scand. word.  The t is inflectional.  Cp.  O.N. eiga vigt um.

WICK, vb. to make to turn, to strike off on the side, strike a
    stone in an oblique direction, a term in curling, to hit the
    corner (Wagner).  O.N. vikja, to turn, to veer, Sw. dial.
    vik, Sw. wika, Norse vikja, vika, to turn (causative). 
    Dan. vige not quite the same word.

WILKATT, sb. a wild cat, Dalr., I, 723.  Ramsay II, 500.  O.N.
    vill + Eng., Norse cat, kat.

WILL, VILL, adj. adv. lost, bewildered, astray.  Dunbar, 228, 74;
    Douglas, II, 24, 6, “to go will.”  O.N. villr, bewildered,
    fara villt, get lost, Norse vill, astray, Dan. vild, Sw.
    vill.  Cp.  Cu. wills, doubts, “Aaz i’ wills whether to gang
    or nit.”

WILRONE, sb. a wild boar.  Scott, 71, 106.  O.N. vill, wild, +
    runi, a boar, a wild boar, Norse rone, raane, Sw. dial.
    rane, Dan., with metathesis, orne.

WILSUM, adj. errant, wandering.  Douglas, II, 65, 16; “a wilsome
    way,” “Freires of Berwick,” 410.  See will, astray. Wilsum
    more frequently means “willful,” is Eng.

WISSLE, VISSIL, WYSSIL.  Douglas, III, 225, 8; Bruce, XII, 580;
    Montg., F., 578.  O.N. vixla, to cross, to put across,
    vixlingr, a changeling (Cl. and V.), Norse veksla,
    vessla, to exchange, Dan. veksle.  Sco. and Norse both show
    the change of ks to ss.  The Norse form versla shows
    later dissimilation of ss to rs.  This is W.Norse.

WITTIR, sb. a sign.  Douglas, II, 231, 16.  See wittering.

WITTERING, VITTERING, sb. information, knowledge.  Bruce, IV, 562;
    Douglas, II, 185, 27.  O.N. vitring, revelation, from vb.
    vitra, to reveal.  Norse vitring, information, M.E.
    witering, id.

WELTER, sb. an overturning.  Winyet, I, 49, 22.  See the vb.



The general character of the Scand. loanwords in Sco. is Norse, not Dan.  This is shown by (a) A number of words that either do not exist in Dan. or else have in Sco. a distinctively W. Scand. sense; (b) Words with a W. Scand. form.

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Scandinavian influence on Southern Lowland Scotch from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.