Three Wonder Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Three Wonder Plays.

Three Wonder Plays eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 186 pages of information about Three Wonder Plays.

Conan:  I’m very sure there is surely.  The world will be a new world before to-morrow’s Angelus bell.

Flannery:  I never could believe in a bellows.

Rock:  Here now is a fair offer.  I’ll loan you this bag of notes to pay your charges to Dublin if you will change that little pigeon in the crib into a crow.

Conan:  I will do no such folly.

Rock:  You wouldn’t because you’d be afeared to try.

Conan:  Hold it up to me.  I’ll show you am I afeared!

Rock:  There it is now. (Holds up cage.)

Conan:  Have a care! (Blows.)

Rock:  (Dropping it with a shriek.) It has me bit with its hard beak, it is turned to be an old black crow.

Flannery:  As black as the bottom of the pot.

Crow:  Caw!  Caw!  Caw!

(Cats reappear and look over back of settle.)

(Music from behind.) ("O’Donnall Abu.”)




Conan alone holding up bellows, singing


“And doth not a meeting like this make amends For all the long years I’ve been wandering away Deceived for a moment it’s now in my hands—­ breathe the fresh air of life’s morning again!”

Celia:  (Comes in having listened amused at door; claps hands.) Very good!  It is you yourself should be going to the dance house to-night in place of myself.  It is long since I heard you rise so happy a tune!

Conan:  (Putting bellows behind him.) What brings you here?  Is there no work for you out in the garden—­the cabbages to be cutting for the cow....

Celia:  I wouldn’t wish to roughen my hands before evening.  Music there will be for the dancing!

(She lilts Miss McLeod’s Reel.)

Conan:  Let you go ready yourself for it so.

Celia:  Is it at this time of the day?  You should be forgetting the hours of the clock the same as the poor mother.

Conan:  It is a strange thing since I came to this house I never can get one minute’s ease and quiet to myself.

Celia:  It was hearing you singing brought me in.

Conan: I’d sooner have you without!  Be going now.

Celia: I will and welcome.  It is to bring out my little pigeon I will, where there is a few grains of barley fell from a car going the road.

Conan: Hurry on so!

Celia:  (Taking up cage.) He is not in his crib. (Looking here and there.) Where now can he have gone?

Conan: He should have gone out the door.

Celia: He did not.  He could not have come out unknown to me.  Coo, coo,—­coo—­coo.

Project Gutenberg
Three Wonder Plays from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.