The Reconstructed School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about The Reconstructed School.

The Reconstructed School eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about The Reconstructed School.
yet of the world as a single thing.  A person can be no larger than his unit of thinking.  One who thinks in small units convicts himself of provincialism and soon becomes intolerant.  Such a person arrogates to himself superiority and inclines to feel somewhat contemptuous of people outside the narrow limits of his thinking.  If he thinks his restricted horizon bounds all that is worth knowing, he will not exert himself to climb to a higher level in order that he may gain a wider view.  He is disdainful and intolerant of whatever lies beyond his horizon, and his attitude, if not his words, repeats the question of the culpable Cain, “Am I my brother’s keeper?” He is encased in an armor that is impervious to ordinary appeal.  He is satisfied with himself and asks merely to be let alone.  He is quite content to be held fast bound in his traditional moorings without any feeling of sympathy for the world as a whole.

The reverse side of the picture reveals the teacher who is world-minded.  Such a teacher is never less than magnanimous; intolerance has no place in his scheme of life; he is in sympathy with all nations in their progress toward light and right; and he is interested in all world progress whether in science, in art, in literature, in economics, in industry, or in education.  To this end he is careful to inform himself as to world movements and notes with keen interest the trend and development of civilization.  Being a world-citizen himself, he strives, in his school work, to develop in his pupils the capacity and the desire for world-citizenship.  With no abatement of thoroughness in the work of his school, he still finds time to look up from his tasks to catch the view beyond his own national boundaries.  If the superintendent who is world-minded has the hearty cooeperation of teachers who are also world-minded, together they will be able to develop a plan of education that is world-wide.  To produce teachers of this type may require a readjustment and reconstruction of the work of colleges and training schools to the end that the teachers they send forth may measure up to the requirements of this world-wide concept of education.  But these institutions can hardly hope to be immune to the process of reconstruction.  They can hardly hope to cite the past as a guide for the future, for traditional lines are being obliterated and new lines are being marked out for civilization, including education in its larger and newer import.



In a significant degree the present is the heritage of the past, and any critical appraisement of the present must take cognizance of the influence of the past.  That there are weak places in our present civilization, no one will deny; nor will it be denied that the sources of some of these may be found in the past.  We have it on good authority that “the fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s

Project Gutenberg
The Reconstructed School from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.