Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4).

Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 256 pages of information about Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4).


Q. 111.  Say the Grace after Meals.  A. We give Thee thanks for all Thy benefits, O Almighty God, who livest and reignest for ever; and may the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.  Amen.

Q. 112.  What does “Grace” at meals mean?  A.  “Grace” at meals means the thanks we offer God for the food we are about to receive or have just taken.

Q. 113.  Why should we say “Grace” at meals.  A. We should say “Grace” at meals to show our gratitude to God, who has given us all we possess and daily supplies our wants.

Q. 114.  Is it wrong to despise or waste our food?  A. It is wrong to despise or waste our food, because we thereby slight the goodness of God, who owes us nothing.

Q. 115.  Is it a sin to neglect “Grace” at meals?  A. It is not a sin to neglect “Grace” at meals, but only a mark of our ingratitude; for if we are to thank God for all His gifts we should do so especially at the time they are given.


Q. 116.  What do you mean here by a “lay person”? 
A. By a “lay person” I mean here any one who is not a priest.

All such persons and those not dedicated to the service of the Altar, taken together, are called the “laity,” as all those who have received sacred orders or who are dedicated to the service of the Altar, taken together, are called the “clergy.”

Q. 117.  What is meant by “in case of necessity?” A. In “case of necessity” means here that a person not baptized is in danger of death and there is no priest present to administer the Sacrament.

Q. 118.  How is Baptism given by a “lay person”? 
A. Whoever baptizes must:—­

Pour common water on the head or face of the person to be baptized, and say while pouring it: 

“I baptize thee, in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”

N.B.—­Any person of either sex who has, reached the use of reason can baptize in case of necessity.

Q. 119.  What else is to be observed?  A. In baptizing:  (1) The water must touch the skin and flow; (2) the same person who pours the water must say the words; (3) parents should not baptize their own children, if there be any other person present who knows how to baptize; (4) a man, if he be present and knows how to administer the Sacrament, should baptize in preference to a woman; (5) the person baptizing must have the intention of doing what the Church does; (6) he must not repeat the baptism after giving it once correctly.

Q. 120.  What is this baptism called?  A. The baptism given in case of necessity is called private baptism to distinguish it from solemn baptism, which is given in the church with all the ceremonies proper to it.

Q. 121.  What do you mean by either sex?  A.  “Either sex” means man or woman; boy or girl; any person competent to baptize.

Project Gutenberg
Baltimore Catechism No. 3 (of 4) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.