Sister Carmen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Sister Carmen.

Sister Carmen eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Sister Carmen.

“Surely, my Sister, you say well; and therefore it would be better for her to have a helpmate ever at her side, who would remind her of her holy calling,” returned Jonathan, earnestly.  “Next week she will be eighteen years of age, and will then be numbered among the marriageable sisters.  It would certainly be the best thing for her to have a husband; therefore seek one for her, Sister Agatha; and if you and the assembly of elders can find no one better, then will I, for the sake of her welfare, give up the freedom of my single life and take her to myself, to be to her a faithful protector and husband, for the glory of God.”

While speaking, he had risen nervously from his seat, and leaning one arm on the back of the chair, uttered the last words hastily, as if impelled thereto by a sudden overwhelming emotion.  His eyes were fixed on the floor, only once in a while looking furtively up, as if to watch the effect of his words.  But the Sister’s open countenance showed only a joyful surprise.

“You would really sacrifice yourself for Sister Carmen’s benefit?” she cried.  “How can I do otherwise than approve, dear Brother?  You, the pious, wise, experienced physician, full of love and kind forbearance towards her, and knowing so well, all the while, what is for her good!  Where in all the wide world could she ever find a better counsellor and guide?”

“Nay, say not so, Sister Agatha,” he interrupted reprovingly.  “No sinful creature deserves such praise; least of all I. None of us are more than humble instruments for good, and have no merit at all of ourselves.”

“Yet, my dear Brother, we cannot but recognize the good in others,” replied she in a gentle tone.  “And I say no more than the truth.  If every one as worthy as you had only a portion of your modesty!  The sick long for you and praise you as their benefactor; the well welcome you everywhere as a friend and adviser.  Let me thank you for offering yourself to Carmen, for you have done so with true kindness and love.  After the feast this evening, I will communicate your proposal to the elders; and if they consent to it, then, afterwards, I will speak to Carmen on the subject.  I have notified her to come to me, without reference to this matter, as I want to make some inquiries about her behavior this morning.  But now it is the hour for evening prayer.”

She arose, and extended her hand to Jonathan, who returned its hearty pressure.  Never had his manner been more humble than it now was as he left the room.  But when the door was closed behind him, he stood quite still for a moment, and the disagreeable expression of his mouth was greatly enhanced by the smile of triumph which lit up his countenance.

“Ah!” he exclaimed under his breath, “beauty and wealth; they will indeed compensate for the past.”


When Frau von Trautenau, with her family, entered the spacious prayer-room, to be present at the love-feast, the mass of the congregation had already assembled, and were singing to the accompaniment of the organ.  The lady accepted the places assigned to her and Adele by Sister Agatha, but Alexander and his brother took possession of an empty bench near the door.

Project Gutenberg
Sister Carmen from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.