The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

Epilepsy, cyclical character of

Evil, inborn disposition to

Excitable children, management of

Exercise, sleep in relation to

Exhaustion. See Mental Exhaustion

Expostulation, frequent, bad effects of
  See also Reproof

Expressions, to attract attention

Facial muscles, twitching of associated with apnoea

Faeces, incontinence of

Fainting fits,
  cause and characteristics
  control of
  of neuropaths

Fatigue, mental, physical, and visceral

Fats, lowered tolerance to

Faults, correction of
  not corrected by too frequent reproof

  causes of
  phenomena of
  prominent psychical symptom of neuropathic children
  treatment of

  factors in
  of newborn infant, regularity in

Fertilisation, method of imparting knowledge of

Food, force of suggestion in relation to
  healthy desire for
  likes and dislikes for
    how overcome
  phenomena of the desire of
  refusal of
    nervous causes of
    persistent, factors encouraging
    suggestion in relation to
    treatment of

Force and cajoling, futility of

Freud, teaching of

Functional disturbances, in combination with organic disease

Gait, peculiarity of

Games, educative value of

Gastric disturbances

Gastric juice, psychic secretion of

Gastric symptoms, of neurosis

Gastro-intestinal derangement, causes of
  environment as cause and cure of

  inculcation of

Girls’ schools

Glottis, spasm of, strong emotion causing

“Good form”

Grasping habit, reproof in relation to

Growing pains

Habit spasms, age of appearance of
  cause of
  definition of
  examples of
  spread of
  suggestion in relation to
  treatment of

Habits, regulation of
  suggestion in relation to

Habitual actions, infant’s pleasure in
  mental unrest in relation to
  of the parent, reproduction in the child
  varieties and characteristics

Habitual wakefulness

Hands, control of movement of

Happiness and contentment, of child when playing alone

Headache, periodic. See Migraine

Heat and cold, newborn baby in relation to

Heat and flushing, sudden sensations of

Heredity, and temperament
  and type of child
  nervous disorders in relation to

Home influence, in development of character
  reflected in the child

Hunger, of the newborn baby

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Child from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.