The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

The Nervous Child eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 183 pages of information about The Nervous Child.

Delirium, tendency to

Depolarisation of ideas

Depression, recurrence of periods of

Dexterity, lack of
  manual, advantages of
  toys developing

Diaphragm, spasm of

Diarrhoea, mucous

Diet, likes and dislikes for articles of
  opposition to
  of newborn child, changes in
  See also Food

Digestion, emotional states affecting

Digestive disorders, mental causes of

Digestive neuroses

Digestive system, symptoms of extreme sensibility of

Dirt eating

  in later childhood
  in the school
  misdirected efforts at enforcing
  severe, effects of


  growth of
  habit of
  personality and
  perverse attitude of
  reproof and coaxing causing

Disorders, aetiology of
  associated with neurosis
  environment as cause and cure of
  of neuropaths
  treatment of

Diuresis, excessive

Doll, child’s care of, an example of imitativeness
  educative value of

Douches, cold, improving vasomotor tone

Dover’s powder

  nature of, indicating nature of mental unrest

Drugs, in sleeplessness

Ductless glands, in relation to infantile characteristics


Dyspepsia, complications of
  course and effects of
  mental aspects of
  nervous symptoms of
  symptoms in newborn infant

Early childhood, care during
  impulse of opposition in
  love of power in

Early childhood, nervousness in
  reasoning power in
  three common neuroses of
  toys, books, and amusements in
  See also Newborn Baby

Education, aim of
  by games and toys
  on sexual matters

Educative value, of books, games, and toys

Emotional states, appetite affected by
  causing spasm
  management of
  of neurotics, exaggeration of
  physical disturbances due to
  producing laryngismus stridulus

Emotional storms

Endocrine glands

  causal factors in
  characteristics and peculiarities of
  condition of urine during
  mental aspects of
  mistakes in treatment of
  perversion of suggestion as cause of
  removal of tonsils in
  treatment, essentials in
    hypnotic suggestion in
    methods of

Environment, body moulded and shaped by
  change of, beneficial effects of
  effect in developing child’s powers
  effect on common disorders
  errors of, and neuropathic children
  essentials of
  faulty contact with, in neuropathic children
  for neuropaths
  influence on conduct in later childhood
  influence on mental processes
  influence on personality
  irritating nature of the adult mind in
  of the home, reflected in the child
  of school life
  stimulus of
  susceptibility to influences of

Project Gutenberg
The Nervous Child from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.