The Inside Story of the Peace Conference eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about The Inside Story of the Peace Conference.

The Inside Story of the Peace Conference eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 554 pages of information about The Inside Story of the Peace Conference.

The effort of imagination required to discern consistency in such of the Council’s decisions as became known from time to time was so far beyond the capacity of average outsiders that the ugly phrase “to make the world safe for hypocrisy” was early coined, uttered, and propagated.


[46] Cf. Le Temps, May 23, 1919.  It is an adaptation of the inscription over the Pantheon, “Aux grands hommes, la Patrie reconnaissante.”

[47] The Daily Mail, April 25, 1919 (Paris edition).

[48] In Germany.

[49] General Petain is said to have rejected the suggestion.

[50] Cf. Bulletin des Droits de l’Homme, 19eme annee, p. 461.

[51] It was either Friday, the 4th, or Saturday, the 5th of July.

[52] At the end of August, 1919.

[53] One delegate from a poor and friendless country had to take the maps of a rival state and retouch them in accordance with the ethnographical data, which he considered alone correct.

[54] L’Homme Enchatne, December 14, 1914.

[55] “With its causes and objects we have no concern.”  Speech delivered by Mr. Wilson before the League to Enforce Peace in Washington on May 24, 1916.

[56] The testimony of a leading French press organ is worth reproducing here:  “La situation du President Wilson dans nos democraties est magnifique, souveraine et extremement perilleuse.  On ne connait pas d’hommes, dans les temps contemporains, ayant eu plus d’autorite et de puissance; la popularite lui a donne ce que le droit divin ne conferait pas toujours aux monarques hereditaires.  En revanche et par le fait du choc en retour, sa responsabilite est superieure a celle du prince le plus absolu.  S’il reussit a organiser le monde d’apres ses reves, sa gloire dominera les plus hautes gloires; mais il faut dire hardiment que s’il echouait il plongerait le monde dans un chaos dont le bolchevisme russe ne nous offre qu’une faible image; et sa responsabilite devant la conscience humaine depasserait ce que peut supporter un simple mortel.  Redoutable alternative!”—­Cf. Le Figaro, February 10, 1919.

[57] From Mr. Wilson’s address to Congress read on December 2, 1918.  Cf. The Times, December 4, 1918.

[58] Cf.  Secretary Lansing’s evidence before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, The Chicago Tribune, August 27, 1919.

[59] La Democratie Nouvelle, May 27, 1919

[60] Le Figaro, March 26, 1919.

[61] Both of them occurred before the armistice, but during the war.

[62] For the accuracy of this and the preceding story I vouch absolutely.  I have the names of persons, places, and authorities, which are superfluous here.

[63] The Kurds are members of the great Indo-European family to which the Greeks, Italians, Celts, Teutons, Slavs, Hindus, Persians, and Afghans belong, whereas the Turks are a branch of a wholly different stock, the Ural-Altai group, of which the Mongols, Turks, Tartars, Finns, and Magyars are members.

Project Gutenberg
The Inside Story of the Peace Conference from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.