Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 214 pages of information about Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV..

Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 214 pages of information about Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV..

To YOUF, YUFF, v. n. to bark.

YOUK, YEUK, s. the itch.

To YOUK, YUKE, v. n. to itch; to be itchy.

YOUKY,_adj._ itchy; metaphorically, eager, anxious.

To YOUL, YOULL, v. n. to howl, to yell.

YOW, YOWE, s. a ewe.

YULE, s. the name given to Christmas.

YULE-E’EN, s. the night preceding Christmas.

To YYRNE, v. to coagulate; to curdle.


Abduction, The, ix. 
Adopted Son, The, ii. 
Age and Youth, Ballad of, xxiv. 
Ailie Faa, Ballad of, xxiv. 
Allerley Hall, The Legend of, xxiv. 
Amateur Robbery, The, xxii. 
Amateur Lawyers, The, vii. 
Ancient Bureau, The, vii. 
Angler’s Tale, The, xvi. 
Archy Armstrong, v. 
Artist, The, vii. 
Assassin, The, xviii. 
Avenger; or, Legend of Mary Lee, The, xix.

Ballogie’s Daughters, Ballad of, xxiv. 
Barley Bannock, The, xx. 
Battle of Dryffe Sands, The, xv. 
Beggars’ Camp, The, viii. 
Bereaved, The, xvii. 
Bewildered Student, The, x. 
Bell Stanley; or, a Sailor’s Story, v. 
Bell White, v. 
Bonny Mary Gibson, xvi. 
Bride, The, viii. 
Bride of Bell’s Tower, The, xxi. 
Bride of Bramblehaugh, The, xviii. 
Broken Heart, The, vii. 
Brownie of the West Bow, The, xxiii. 
Burning of Mrs. Jamphray, Legend of the, xxiv.

Cairny Cave of Gavin Muir, The, xvii. 
Caldermuir, Legend of, xvii. 
Caleb Crabbin, x. 
Case of Evidence, The, xv. 
Castle of Weir, The Romaunt of the, xxiv. 
Castle of Crail, The; or, David and Queen Maude, x. 
Cateran of Lochloy, The, vii. 
Chance Question, The, xxi. 
Charles Gordon and Christina Cunningham, Story of, xvii. 
Chatelard, ix. 
Chevalier de la Beaute, xxiii. 
Cherry Stone, The, viii. 
Christie of the Cleik, ix. 
Church of Abercromby, Legend of the, x. 
Clara Douglas, The Story of, iv. 
Clerical Murderer, The, xv. 
Condemned, The, xvii. 
Conscience Stricken, The, v. 
Contrast of Wives, The, xi. 
Convict, The, xxii. 
Convivialists, The, ii. 
Cottar’s Daughter, The, xv. 
Countess of Cassilis, The, xvi. 
Countess of Wistonburgh, The, i. 
Country Quarters, iv. 
Covenanter’s March, The, iv. 
Covenanting Family, The, xiv. 
Cradle of Logie, The, xxiii. 
Craigullan, Legend of, xxiv. 
Cripple, The; or, Ebenezer the Disowned. ix. 
Crooked Comyn, The, x. 
Curate of Govan, The, xv. 
Cured Ingrate, The, ii. 
Curlers, The, xviii. 
Curse of Scotland, The, xix.

Project Gutenberg
Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland, Volume XXIV. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.