The Children's Six Minutes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about The Children's Six Minutes.

The Children's Six Minutes eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 70 pages of information about The Children's Six Minutes.

His growth continued.  It did not stop with childhood, but right on through boyhood, youth and manhood he kept growing.  Best of all his growth was balanced.  He grew physically, mentally and spiritually.  He had a sound body.  He loved the out-of-doors.  He companionshiped much with nature.  Most of his graphic illustrations were taken from living, growing things.  He talked, almost chiefly, about seeds, grain, harvests, trees, birds and living waters.  Boys and girls, strive to grow.  Be like your Master who grew inward, outward, and upward; selfward, manward, and Godward.  “How can I grow?” you ask.  I will tell you by passing on to you the secret as given by Maltbie Babcock.


Memory verse, Luke 2:  40

    “And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with
    wisdom; and the grace of God was upon him.”

Memory hymn [681]

    "Brightly gleams our banner."


“Goody, goody, it’s snowing!” This is what I heard early yesterday morning.  I think there were many other homes in which this shout of joy ushered in the day.  It being Saturday the day was mostly free for playing in the snow.  What did you do?  You made a snow man.  You built a snow fort or house.  You had a snowball battle.  You slid down hill.  You played fox and geese, tracking one another across white fields and through the woods.  You had a happy, wonderful day, I know you did.

Have you ever thought how snow is made, and whence it comes?  It is formed high in the air, from vapor, and comes down from the clouds, just like rain.  Snowdrops are like people in one respect, no two are alike.  If you will look at the snowflakes through a magnifying glass you will see a great variety of shapes.  And all of them are beautiful.  We talk about the sparkling beauty of diamonds and other precious gems; crystal snowflakes are more beautiful by far.  If only we could keep them from melting what a necklace or a setting for a ring a collection of snowflakes would make!

God’s love is shown to us in the snow.  For a fall of snow is like a great blanket, covering the tender roots and seeds, keeping them from freezing, assuring us of another harvest.  As to-day you walk home through the snow let it speak to you of your Father’s love.

Memory verse, Job 38:  22

    “Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow?”

Memory hymn [355]

    "Love divine, all loves excelling."


Project Gutenberg
The Children's Six Minutes from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.