1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about 1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading.

1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 91 pages of information about 1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading.

  240. How may low tones be acquired?
  By continued practice in a lower key than the natural.

  241. How may a high key be acquired?
  In the same manner as a low key; by pitching the voice first
          a little higher than the natural, and mastering that
          thoroughly, then still higher and higher.

  242. What is meant by Rotundity of the voice?
  That peculiar form of tone which the Romans called “Ore rotundo,”
          which signifies “Round mouth.”

  243. In what kind of sentences is the Rotundity of the voice

  In the hailing of vessels, and is used especially by sailors and

  244. Which is the most difficult:  to raise the voice to a higher
          pitch, or to bring it to a lower?

  The lowering of the voice is more difficult, and requires great
          care and practice.

  245. What is a common fault with most public speakers?
  To run the voice into too high a key, and thus weary the hearers.

  246. What is a good rule by which to govern the voice?
  To start on a key lower than the natural, and thus avoid running
          too high.

  247. What are the principal styles of different reading

  Descriptive, Narrative, Senatorial, Moral, Didactic, Dramatic, and

  248. What tone of voice should be used in reading a Descriptive

  The ordinary, natural tone, with a careful use of emphasis.

  249. What tone of voice is best adapted to the reading of a

  The conversational tone, with as little reference to the printed
          page as possible.

  250. What style is the best adapted to Senatorial reading?
  An imitative style and tone, being careful in the use of the
          emphatic pause.

  251. What tone is best adapted to the reading of Moral and
          Religious selections?

  Low and moderate tone, expressing feeling and sentiment, being
          careful not to read too fast.

  252. What style is best adapted to Didactic reading?
  That peculiar style which is best adapted to impart instruction,
          laying special stress on the important idea.

  253. What style and tone are best adapted to the reading of
          Dramatic selections?

  A style and tone which are entirely imitative in character.

  254. What tone or character of voice is best suited to the
          rendering of Amusing selections?

  That which will bring out the mirthful sentiment, to the exclusion
          of all rules for accent, emphasis, etc.

  255. Should all persons use the same tones of voice and style in
          reading selections?

  They should not; as individuals are differently constituted,
          so they have different ways of expressing their ideas and

Project Gutenberg
1001 Questions and Answers on Orthography and Reading from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.