Taboo and Genetics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about Taboo and Genetics.

Taboo and Genetics eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 190 pages of information about Taboo and Genetics.

2.  Farnell, L.R.  Evolution of Religion. 235 pp.  Williams and Norgate.  London, 1905.  Crown Theological Library, Vol 12.

3.  Frazer, J.G.  Part IV. of The Golden Bough; Adonis, Attis, and Osiris.  Chaps.  III and IV.  Macmillan.  London, 1907.

——­ Sumner, W.G.  Folkways. 692 pp.  Ginn & Co.  Boston, 1907.  Chap.  XVI, Sacral Harlotry.

——­ Lombroso, Cesare, and Lombroso-Ferrero, G. La donna delinquente. 508 pp.  Fratelli Bocca.  Milano, 1915.

4.  Farnell, L.R.  Sociological Hypotheses Concerning the Position of Woman in Ancient Religion.  Archiv fuer Religionswissenschaft.  Siebenter Band, 1904.

5.  Fowler, W. Warde.  The Religious Experiences of the Roman People. 504 pp.  Macmillan.  London, 1911.

6.  For a description of these sibyls with a list of the works in which they are mentioned, see: 

——­ Fullom, Steven Watson.  The History of Woman.  Third Ed. London, 1855.

——­ Rohmer, Sax. (Ward, A.S.) The Romance of Sorcery. 320 pp.  E.P.  Dutton & Co., New York, 1914.

7.  Maury, L.F.  La Magie et L’Astrologie dans l’Antiquite et au Moyen Age.  Quatrieme ed. 484 pp.  Paris, 1877.

8.  Lombroso, Cesare.  Priests and Women’s Clothes.  North American Review.  Vol. 192, 1910.

9.  For an extensive compilation of facts from ancient literature and history concerning sacred women, see: 

——­ Alexander, W. History of Women from the Earliest Antiquity to the Present Time. 2 vols.  W. Strahan.  London, 1779.

10.  Mason, Otis T. Woman’s Share in Primitive Culture. 295 pp.  Appleton.  New York, 1894.

——­ Dyer, T.F.S.  Plants in Witchcraft.  Popular Science Monthly.  Vol. 34, 1889, pp. 826-833.

——­ Donaldson, Rev. James.  Woman, Her Position and Influence in Ancient Greece and Rome. 278 pp.  Longmans, Green.  London, 1907.

11.  Spencer, Herbert.  Study of Sociology. 431 pp.  Appleton.  N.Y., 1880.

12.  Schirmacher, Kaethe.  Das Raetsel:  Weib. 160 pp.  A Duncker.  Weimar, 1911.

13.  Ward, Lester F. Psychic Factors in Civilization. 369 pp.  Ginn & Co., Boston and New York, 1906.  Chap.  XXVI.

——­ Pure Sociology. 607 pp.  Macmillan.  N.Y., 1903.

14.  Schreiner, Olive.  Woman and Labour. 299 pp.  Frederick A. Stokes Co.  N.Y., 1911.

15.  Hall, G. Stanley.  Adolescence. 2 vols.  Appleton.  N.Y., 1904.

——­ Dupouy, Edmund.  Psychologie morbide.  Librairie des Sciences Psychiques, 1907.

16.  The Ante-Nicene Fathers.  Translation by the Rev. Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson, LL.D., and others.  American Reprint of the Edinburgh Edition.  Buffalo, 1889.

17.  Hatch, Edwin.  Influence of Greek Ideas and Usages upon the Christian Church.  Ed. by A.M.  Fairbairn. 4th ed.  London, 1892.  Hibbert Lectures, 1888.

18.  Gilbert, George Holley.  The Greek Strain in Our Oldest Gospels.  North American Review.  Vol. 192, 1910.

Project Gutenberg
Taboo and Genetics from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.