Old English Sports eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Old English Sports.

Old English Sports eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 100 pages of information about Old English Sports.

Gunpowder Plot, 108

Guy Fawkes, 107

Hambledon Cricket Club, 63, 64

Handball, 27

Handball in Church, 38

Harvest home, 75, 79

Hawking, 84

Heaving, 37

Herbert, George, 51

Herefordshire custom, 6

Herrick, 9, 31, 74, 115, 119, 125

Hobby-horse, 26

Hock-cart, 75

Hocking, 54

Hock-tide, 41, 42

Holland, golf introduced from, 66

Horse-collar, grinning through a, 54

Hot cross buns, 33, 34

Hunting, 13, 17

Hurling, 22, 23

Indoor games, 21

Ireland, 50

Isaak Walton, 17

January, 1

Jersey, 59

Jingling match, 56

John’s, St., Eve, 57

Jousts, 94

July, 61

June, 52

Kenilworth Castle, pageants at 103

Kent and Sussex, first homes of cricket, 62

King of the Bean, 7

Lammas, 74

Lancashire, 49

Lawn-tennis, 70

Lifting, 37

Lillywhite, 65

Local customs, 4, 5, 6, 12, 19, 20, 24, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41,
  50, 54, 60, 62, 78, 81, 107, 108, 109, 117, 123

“Lord of Misrule,” 125

Magdalen hymn, 45

Magdalen pulpit, 60

March, 25

Martinmas, 110

Maundy Thursday—­Money, 33

May—­May Day, 44

May-pole, 45, 46, 48

May Queen, 46

“Merry England,” 1, 125, 126

Mews, origin of word, 88

Michaelmas, 88

Midsummer Eve, 58

Minor ball-games, 71

Miracle plays, 36, 57, 98

Misrule,” “Lord of, 125

Mitford, Miss, Our Village, 64

Moralities, 99

Mothering-Sunday, 31

Mummers, 124

Mysteries, 57, 98, 100

New Year’s Day, 45

Nicholas, St., The Image of, mystery play, 99

Nicholas, Day, St., 116

Noah and the Flood, mystery play, 98

November, 105

October, 92

Old songs, 4, 6, 8, 13, 14, 23, 28, 36, 46, 63, 75, 76, 77, 109

Orchards, wassailing of, 4, 6

Otter-hunting, 17

Our English Villages, reference, 3, 80

Our Village, reference, 64

Outdoor winter sports, 7

Oxford customs, 109, 123

Pace, Pasche, Paschal, eggs, 37

Project Gutenberg
Old English Sports from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.