The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

The Ancient Life History of the Earth eBook

Henry Alleyne Nicholson
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 483 pages of information about The Ancient Life History of the Earth.

Animal soft-bodied, generally with a hard covering or shell; no distinct segmentation of the body; nervous system of scattered masses.

CLASS I. POLYZOA ("Sea-Mosses"). Ex.  Sea-mats (Flustra),
  Lace-corals (Fenestellidoe*). 
CLASS II.  TUNICATA** ("Tunicaries"). Ex.  Sea-squirts
CLASS III.  BRACHIOPODA ("Lamp-shells"). Ex.  Goose-bill
  Lamp-shell (Lingula). 
CLASS IV.  LAMELLIBRANCHIATA ("Bivalves"). Ex.  Oyster
  (Ostrea), Mussel (Mytilus), Scallop (Pecten),
  Cockle (Cardium). 
CLASS V. GASTEROPODA ("Univalves"). Ex.  Whelks
  (Buccinum), Limpets (Patella), Sea-slugs**
  (Doris), Land-snails (Helix). 
CLASS VI.  PTEROPODA ("Winged Snails").  Ex. Hyalea, Cleodora
CLASS VII.  CEPHALOPODA ("Cuttle-fishes"). Ex.  Calamary
  (Loligo), Poulpe (Octopus), Paper Nautilus
  (Arganauta), Pearly Nautilus (Nautilus), Belemnites,*
  Orthoceratites,* Ammonites.*



Body composed of definite segments arranged longitudinally one behind the other; main masses of the nervous system placed dorsally; a backbone or “vertebral column” in the majority.

CLASS I. PISCES ("Fishes"). Ex.  Lancelet** (Amphioxus);
  Lampreys and Hag-fishes (Marsipobranchii**); Herring,
  Salmon, Perch, &c. (Teleostei or “Bony Fishes");
  Gar-pike, Sturgeon, &c. (Ganoidei); Sharks, Dog-fishes,
  Rays, &c. (Elasmobranchii or “Placoids"). 
CLASS II.  AMPHIBIA ("Amphibians").  Ex. Labyrinthodontia,*
  Caecilians,** Newts and Salamanders (Urodela), Frogs and
  Toads (Anoura). 
CLASS III.  REPTILIA ("Reptiles").  Ex. Deinosauria,*
  Pterosauria,* Anomodontia,* Plesiosaurs
  (Sauropterygia*), Ichthyosaurs (Ichthyopterygia*),
  Tortoises and Turtles (Chelonia), Snakes (Ophidia),
  Lizards (Lacertilia), Crocodiles (Crocodilia). 
CLASS IV.  AVES ("Birds"). Ex.  Toothed Birds
  (Odontornithes*); Lizard-tailed Birds (Archoeopteryx*);
  Ducks, Geese, Gulls, &c. (Natatores); Storks, Herons,
  Snipes, Plovers, &c. (Grallatores); Ostrich, Emeu,
  Cassowary, Dinornis,* AEpiornis,* &c. (Cursores); Fowls,
  Game Birds, and Doves (Rasores); Cuckoos, Woodpeckers,
  Parrots, &c. (Scansores); Crows, Starlings, Finches,
  Hummingbirds, Swallows, &c. (Insessores); Owls, Hawks,
  Eagles, Vultures (Raptores). 
CLASS V. MAMMALIA ("Quadrupeds"). Ex.  Duck-mole and Spiny
  Ant-eater (Monotremata**); Kangaroos, Phalangers,
  Opossums, Tasmanian Devil, &c. (Marsupialia);

Project Gutenberg
The Ancient Life History of the Earth from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.