Italian Journeys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Italian Journeys.

Italian Journeys eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 351 pages of information about Italian Journeys.


At night we were again in Bologna, of which we had not seen the gloomy arcades for two years.  It must be a dreary town at all times:  in a rain it is horrible; and I think the whole race of arcaded cities, Treviso, Padua, and Bologna, are dull, blind, and comfortless.  The effect of the buildings vaulted above the sidewalks is that of a continuous cellarway; your view of the street is constantly interrupted by the heavy brick pillars that support the arches; the arcades are not even picturesque.  Liking always to leave Bologna as quickly as possible, and, on this occasion, learning that there was no hope of crossing the Apennines to Florence, we made haste to take the first train for Genoa, meaning to proceed thence directly to Naples by steamer.

It was a motley company that sat down in Hotel Brun the morning after our arrival in Bologna to a breakfast of murky coffee and furry beefsteaks, associated with sleek, greasy, lukewarm fried potatoes.  I am sure that if each of our weather-bound pilgrims had told his story, we had been as well entertained as those at Canterbury.  However, no one thought fit to give his narrative but a garrulous old Hebrew from London, who told us how he had been made to pay fifteen guineas for a carriage to cross the Apennines, and had been obliged to walk part of the way at that price.  He was evidently proud, now the money was gone, of having been cheated of so much; and in him we saw that there was at least one human being more odious than a purse-proud Englishman—­namely, a purse-proud English Jew.  He gave his noble name after a while, as something too precious to be kept from the company, when recommending one of the travellers to go to the Hotel d’Angleterre in Rome:  “The best ’otel out of England.  You may mention my name, if you like—­Mr. Jonas.”  The recipient of this favor noted down the talismanic words in his pocket-book, and Mr. Jonas, conscious of having conferred a benefit on his race, became more odious to it than ever.  An Englishman is of a composition so uncomfortably original that no one can copy him, though many may caricature.  I saw an American in London once who thought himself an Englishman because he wore leg-of-mutton whiskers, declaimed against universal suffrage and republics, and had an appetite for high game.  He was a hateful animal, surely, but he was not the British lion; and this poor Hebrew at Bologna was not a whit more successful in his imitation of the illustrious brute, though he talked, like him, of nothing but hotels, and routes of travel, and hackmen and porters, and seemed to have nothing to do in Italy but get through it as quickly and abusively as possible.

Project Gutenberg
Italian Journeys from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.