Hints for Lovers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about Hints for Lovers.

Hints for Lovers eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about Hints for Lovers.

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When a woman repulses, beware.  When a woman beckons, be warier.

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Woman are always prepared for emergencies.

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With woman, tact and jealousy rarely go hand in hand; tact and spite never.

The only instance in which a woman’s tact is apt to be at fault is in detraction of a woman whom she regards as her rival;

The instance in which a woman’s tact is seen as its best is in deploying the men who she knows are rivals for her hand.  And usually

When a woman has more than one admirer, she not only deploys them, but tries to make them advance en echelon.  For

Few things disconcert a woman more than a multiple and simultaneous attack delivered front a front.  But

The way in which a woman will maneuver her attackers is marvelous.

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They say a woman cannot argue.  Hear her explain an indiscretion!

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An independent woman is a contradiction in terms.  For
Woman’s chief want is to feel that she is wanted.  Therefore it is that

With women, cruelty is more easily borne than coldness.  Indeed, It is astonishing how much downright cruelty a woman will stand from the man she loves or has loved.  On the other hand,

Melancholy also attracts women.  Naturally,

Women are made to soothe, to pity, to comfort, to delight.  Therefore it is that

To see a strong man in a weak woman’s arms is a sight which should arouse —­not our laughter, but our(1) envy.  So it does.

(1) Common Gender

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Let not the simpleton think a woman will sympathize with his simplicity: 

No woman is a simpleton.

What women admire is a subtle combination of forcefulness and gentleness.

If a woman has to choose between forcefulness and gentleness, always she will sacrifice the latter.  And

It is astonishing to what lengths forcefulness can go without endangering a woman’s admiration.  If it sweeps her off her feet. . . well,

In nothing does a woman so clearly exhibit the inherent femininity of her nature as in the delight with which, at the bottom of her heart, she recalls moments when she has been swept off her feet.  She may sigh over them; but

Generally, a woman’s sighs are by no means those of remorse.  A woman never brings pure reason to bear upon her actions; she acts by sentiment 40 and she judges her acts by sentiment.  This is why

Even when a woman has deceived and betrayed, she does not regard herself culpable.  Always, she says to herself, she was driven to it, and therefore she is blameless.  Accordingly

A penitent woman is rare: 

Even when a man, with his so-called superior reason, thinks he has proved her wrong, at the bottom of her heart she knows herself right.

Project Gutenberg
Hints for Lovers from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.