The Kybalion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 124 pages of information about The Kybalion.

The Kybalion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 124 pages of information about The Kybalion.

A knowledge of the existence of this great Hermetic Principle will enable the student to better understand his own mental states, and those of other people.  He will see that these states are all matters of degree, and seeing thus, he will be able to raise or lower the vibration at will—­to change his mental poles, and thus be Master of his mental states, instead of being their servant and slave.  And by his knowledge he will be able to aid his fellows intelligently and by the appropriate methods change the polarity when the same is desirable.  We advise all students to familiarize themselves with this Principle of Polarity, for a correct understanding of the same will throw light on many difficult subjects.



“Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right, is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates”—­The Kybalion.

The great Fifth Hermetic Principle—­the Principle of Rhythm-embodies the truth that in everything there is manifested a measured motion; a to-and-from movement; a flow and inflow; a swing forward and backward; a pendulum-like movement; a tide-like ebb and flow; a high-tide and a low-tide; between the two-poles manifest on the physical, mental or spiritual planes.  The Principle of rhythm is closely connected with the Principle of Polarity described in the preceding chapter.  Rhythm manifests between the two poles established by the Principle of Polarity.  This does not mean, however, that the pendulum of Rhythm swings to the extreme poles, for this rarely happens; in fact, it is difficult to establish the extreme polar opposites in the majority of cases.  But the swing is ever “toward” first one pole and then the other.

There is always an action and reaction; an advance and a retreat; a rising and a sinking; manifested in all of the airs and phenomena of the Universe.  Suns, worlds, men, animals, plants, minerals, forces, energy, mind and matter, yes, even Spirit, manifests this Principle.  The Principle manifests in the creation and destruction of worlds; in the rise and fall of nations; in the life history of all things; and finally in the mental states of Man.

Beginning with the manifestations of Spirit—­of the all—­it will be noticed that there is ever the Outpouring and the Indrawing; the “Outbreathing and Inbreathing of Brahm,” as the Brahmans word it.  Universes are created; reach their extreme low point of materiality; and then begin in their upward swing.  Suns spring into being, and then their height of power being reached, the process of retrogression begins, and after aeons they become dead masses of matter, awaiting another impulse which starts again their inner energies into activity and a new solar life cycle is begun. 

Project Gutenberg
The Kybalion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.