Hieroglyphic Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about Hieroglyphic Tales.

Hieroglyphic Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 41 pages of information about Hieroglyphic Tales.
apothecary’s shop stood, but the current ran fourscore leagues till it came to the sea, and there poisoned so many whales and leviathans, that a pestilence ensued, and lasted three years, nine months and sixteen days.  As the elephant was extremely weakened by what had happened, it was impossible for him to draw the car for eighteen months, which was a cruel delay to Pissimissi’s impatience, who during all that time could not travel above a hundred miles a day, for as she carried the sick animal in her lap, the poor ladybird could not make longer stages with no assistance.  Besides, Pissimissi bought every thing she saw wherever she came; and all was crouded into the car and stuffed into the seat.  She had purchased ninety-two dolls, seventeen baby-houses, six cart-loads of sugar-plumbs, a thousand ells of gingerbread, eight dancing dogs, a bear and a monkey, four toy-shops with all their contents, and seven dozen of bibs and aprons of the newest fashion.  They were jogging on with all this cargo over mount Caucasus, when an immense humming-bird, who had been struck with the beauty of the ladybird’s wings, that I had forgot to say were of ruby spotted with black pearls, sousing down at once upon her prey, swallowed ladybird, Pissimissi, the elephant, and all their commodities.  It happened that the humming-bird belonged to Solomon; he let it out of its cage every morning after breakfast, and it constantly came home by the time the council broke up.  Nothing could equal the surprise of his majesty and the courtiers, when the dear little creature arrived with the elephant’s proboscis hanging out of its divine little bill.  However, after the first astonishment was over, his majesty, who to be sure was wisdom itself, and who understood natural philosophy that it was a charm to hear him discourse of those matters, and who was actually making a collection of dried beasts and birds in twelve thousand volumes of the best fool’s-cap paper, immediately perceived what had happened, and taking out of the side-pocket of his breeches a diamond toothpick-case of his own turning, with the toothpick made of the only unicorn’s horn he ever saw, he stuck it into the elephant’s snout, and began to draw it out:  but all his philosophy was confounded, when jammed between the elephant’s legs he perceived the head of a beautiful girl, and between her legs a baby-house, which with the wings extended thirty feet, out of the windows of which rained a torrent of sugar-plumbs, that had been placed there to make room.  Then followed the bear, who had been pressed to the bales of gingerbread and was covered all over with it, and looked but uncouthly; and the monkey with a doll in every paw, and his pouches so crammed with sugar-plumbs that they hung on each side of him, and trailed on the ground behind like the duchess of ——­’s beautiful breasts.  Solomon, however, gave small attention to this procession, being caught with the charms of the lovely Pissimissi:  he immediately began the song of songs extempore;
Project Gutenberg
Hieroglyphic Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.