With Links of Steel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about With Links of Steel.

With Links of Steel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 192 pages of information about With Links of Steel.

How strangely the circumstances and experiences of life are knit and bound together.  But for the vicious crime of a jealous woman, Nick might have labored long, and possibly vainly, to run down the Kilgore gang and their extraordinary criminal project, in which Cervera so strongly figured.  It was as Nick said, the two crimes seemed bound together as if with links of steel.

In the trial which preceded the conviction and punishment of the three living members of the gang, Nick learned all of the facts of the case.

Venner & Co., it appeared, were on their last legs, and went into the game to square themselves, the design being to market vast quantities of the artificial diamonds.  With this project in view, Venner had purchased the house at the rear of his own, under the name of Dr. Magruder, and there had established the plant.  How well the scheme would have succeeded, but for Nick Carter, will never be known.

At all events, in the stock of Venner & Co. were found numerous stones which only the most proficient experts could prove to be artificial; and even to this day it is intimated that, among the bejeweled women of New York there are some unconsciously wearing the manufactured diamonds of Jean Pylotte.  What matters, however, since where ignorance is bliss it is folly to be wise?

Jean Pylotte:  His art died with him, alas!  For in the ruins of the diamond plant there could be found no evidence sufficient to reveal his great secret.

Surely it had opened the way to a great swindle, the possibilities of which can hardly be conceived.  But, fortunately, in the way of it had come—­

Nick Carter.



New Magnet Library


Not a Dull Book in This List

Nick Carter stands for an interesting detective story.  The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist.  The man who wrote these stories produced no other type of fiction.  His mind was concentrated upon the creation of new plots and situations in which his hero emerged triumphantly from all sorts of trouble, and landed the criminal just where he should be—­behind the bars.

The author of these stories knew more about writing detective stories than any other single person.

Following is a list of the best Nick Carter stories.  They have been selected with extreme care, and we unhesitatingly recommend each of them as being fully as interesting as any detective story between cloth covers which sells at ten times the price.

If you do not know Nick Carter, buy a copy of any of the New Magnet Library books, and get acquainted.  He will surprise and delight you.


Project Gutenberg
With Links of Steel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.