The Jungle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 550 pages of information about The Jungle.

The Jungle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 550 pages of information about The Jungle.

And also he labored under another handicap now.  He had acquired new standards of living, which were not easily to be altered.  When he had been out of work before, he had been content if he could sleep in a doorway or under a truck out of the rain, and if he could get fifteen cents a day for saloon lunches.  But now he desired all sorts of other things, and suffered because he had to do without them.  He must have a drink now and then, a drink for its own sake, and apart from the food that came with it.  The craving for it was strong enough to master every other consideration—­he would have it, though it were his last nickel and he had to starve the balance of the day in consequence.

Jurgis became once more a besieger of factory gates.  But never since he had been in Chicago had he stood less chance of getting a job than just then.  For one thing, there was the economic crisis, the million or two of men who had been out of work in the spring and summer, and were not yet all back, by any means.  And then there was the strike, with seventy thousand men and women all over the country idle for a couple of months—­twenty thousand in Chicago, and many of them now seeking work throughout the city.  It did not remedy matters that a few days later the strike was given up and about half the strikers went back to work; for every one taken on, there was a “scab” who gave up and fled.  The ten or fifteen thousand “green” Negroes, foreigners, and criminals were now being turned loose to shift for themselves.  Everywhere Jurgis went he kept meeting them, and he was in an agony of fear lest some one of them should know that he was “wanted.”  He would have left Chicago, only by the time he had realized his danger he was almost penniless; and it would be better to go to jail than to be caught out in the country in the winter time.

At the end of about ten days Jurgis had only a few pennies left; and he had not yet found a job—­not even a day’s work at anything, not a chance to carry a satchel.  Once again, as when he had come out of the hospital, he was bound hand and foot, and facing the grisly phantom of starvation.  Raw, naked terror possessed him, a maddening passion that would never leave him, and that wore him down more quickly than the actual want of food.  He was going to die of hunger!  The fiend reached out its scaly arms for him—­it touched him, its breath came into his face; and he would cry out for the awfulness of it, he would wake up in the night, shuddering, and bathed in perspiration, and start up and flee.  He would walk, begging for work, until he was exhausted; he could not remain still—­he would wander on, gaunt and haggard, gazing about him with restless eyes.  Everywhere he went, from one end of the vast city to the other, there were hundreds of others like him; everywhere was the sight of plenty and the merciless hand of authority waving them away.  There is one kind of prison where the man is behind bars, and everything that he desires is outside; and there is another kind where the things are behind the bars, and the man is outside.

Project Gutenberg
The Jungle from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.