The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 331 pages of information about The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature.

The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 331 pages of information about The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature.
never seen any thing reasonable upon the subject.
**** It appears that Babylon occupied on the eastern banks of the Euphrates a space of ground six leagues in length.  Throughout this space bricks are found by means of which daily additions are made to the town of Helle.  Upon many of these are characters written with a nail similar to those of Persepolis.  I am indebted for these facts to M. de Beauchamp, grand vicar of Babylon, a traveller equally distinguished for his knowledge of astronomy and for his veracity.


Condition of man in the universe.

The Genius, after some moments of silence, resumed in these words: 

I have told thee already, O friend of truth! that man vainly ascribes his misfortunes to obscure and imaginary agents; in vain he seeks as the source of his evils mysterious and remote causes.  In the general order of the universe his condition is, doubtless, subject to inconveniences, and his existence governed by superior powers; but those powers are neither the decrees of a blind fatality, nor the caprices of whimsical and fantastic beings.  Like the world of which he forms a part, man is governed by natural laws, regular in their course, uniform in their effects, immutable in their essence; and those laws,—­the common source of good and evil,—­are not written among the distant stars, nor hidden in codes of mystery; inherent in the nature of terrestrial beings, interwoven with their existence, at all times and in all places, they are present to man; they act upon his senses, they warn his understanding, and give to every action its reward or punishment.  Let man then know these laws! let him comprehend the nature of the elements which surround him, and also his own nature, and he will know the regulators of his destiny; he will know the causes of his evils and the remedies he should apply.

When the hidden power which animates the universe, formed the globe which man inhabits, he implanted in the beings composing it, essential properties which became the law of their individual motion, the bond of their reciprocal relations, the cause of the harmony of the whole; he thereby established a regular order of causes and effects, of principles and consequences, which, under an appearance of chance, governs the universe, and maintains the equilibrium of the world.  Thus, he gave to fire, motion and activity; to air, elasticity; weight and density to matter; he made air lighter than water, metal heavier than earth, wood less cohesive than steel; he decreed flame to ascend, stones to fall, plants to vegetate; to man, who was to be exposed to the action of so many different beings, and still to preserve his frail life, he gave the faculty of sensation.  By this faculty all action hurtful to his existence gives him a feeling of pain and evil, and all which is salutary, of pleasure and

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The Ruins, or, Meditation on the Revolutions of Empires and the Law of Nature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.