Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 432 pages of information about Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands, Volume 1.

Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 432 pages of information about Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands, Volume 1.


The lord provost rose, and stated that a number of letters of apology had been received from parties who had been invited to take part in the meeting, but who had been unable to attend.  Among these he might mention Professor Blackie, the Rev. Mr. Gilfillan, of Dundee, Rev. J. Begg, D.D., the Earl of Buchan, Dr. Candlish, and Sir W. Gibson Craig, all of whom expressed their regret that they could not be present.  One of them, he observed, was from a gentleman who had long taken an interest in the antislavery cause,—­Lord Cockburn,[B]—­and his note was so warm, and sympathetic, and hearty on the subject about which they had met, that he could not resist the temptation of reading it.  It proceeded, “I regret, that owing to my being obliged to be in Ayrshire, it will not be in my power to join you in the expression of respect and gratitude to Mrs. Stowe; she deserves all the honor that can be done her; she has done more for humanity than was ever accomplished before by a single book of fiction. [Cheers.] It did not require much to raise our British feeling against slavery, but by showing us what substantially are facts, and the necessary tendency of this evil in its most mitigated form, she has greatly strengthened the ground on which this feeling rests.  Her work may have no immediate or present influence on the states of her own country that are now unhappily under the curse, and may indeed for a time aggravate its horrors; but it is a prodigious accession to the constantly accumulating mass of views and evidence, which by reason of its force must finally prevail.” [Cheers.] The Lord Provost proceeded to say, that they had now assembled chiefly to do honor to their distinguished guest, Mrs. Stowe. [Applause.] They had met, however, also to express their interest in the cause which it had been the great effort of her life to promote—­the abolition of slavery.  They took advantage of her presence, and the effect which was produced on the public mind of this country, to reiterate their love for the abolition cause, and their detestation of slavery.  Before they were aware that Mrs. Stowe was to grace the city of Edinburgh with her presence, a committee had been organized to collect a penny offering—­the amount to be contributed in pence, and other small sums, from the masses of this country—­to be presented to her as some means of mitigating, through her instrumentality, the horrors of slavery, as they might come under her observation.  It was intended at once as a mark of their esteem for her, of their confidence in her, of their conviction that she would do what was right in the cause, and, at the same time, as an evidence of the detestation in which the system of slavery was held in this free country.  That penny offering now, he was happy to say, by the spontaneous efforts of the inhabitants of this and other towns, amounted to a considerable sum; to certain gentlemen in Edinburgh

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Sunny Memories Of Foreign Lands, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.