The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 805 pages of information about The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887).

The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 805 pages of information about The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887).


Drippings accumulated from different cooked meats of beef or veal can be clarified by putting it into a basin and slicing into it a raw potato, allowing it to boil long enough for the potato to brown, which causes all impurities to disappear.  Remove from the fire, and when cool drain it off from the sediment that settles at the bottom.  Turn it into basins or small jars and set it in a cool place for future use.  When mixed with an equal amount of butter it answers the same purpose as clear butter for frying and basting any meats except game and poultry.

Mutton drippings impart an unpleasant flavor to anything cooked outside of its kind.


Prepare it the same as any roast, leaving in the kidney, around which put considerable salt.  Make a dressing the same as for fowls; unroll the loin, put the stuffing well around the kidney, fold and secure with several coils of white cotton twine wound around in all directions; place in a dripping-pan with the thick side down, and put in a rather hot oven, graduated after it commences to roast to moderate; in half an hour add a little hot water to the pan, and baste often; in another half hour turn over the roast, and when about done dredge lightly with flour and baste with melted butter.  Before serving carefully remove the twine.  A roast of four to five pounds will bake in about two hours.  For a gravy, skim off some of the fat if there is too much in the drippings; dredge in some flour, stir until brown, add some hot water if necessary; boil a few minutes, stir in such sweet herbs as fancied, and put in a gravy boat.  Serve with green peas and lemon jelly.  Is very nice sliced cold for lunch, and Worcestershire or Chili sauce forms a fine relish.


Select a nice fillet, take out the bone, fill up the space with stuffing, and also put a good layer under the fat.  Truss it of a good shape by drawing the fat round and tie it up with tape.  Cook it rather moderately at first, and baste with butter.  It should have careful attention and frequent basting, that the fat may not burn.  Roast from three to four hours, according to the size.  After it is dished pour melted butter over it; serve with ham or bacon, and fresh cucumbers if in season.  Veal, like all other meat, should be well washed in cold water before cooking and wiped thoroughly dry with a clean cloth.  Cold fillet of veal is very good stewed with tomatoes and an onion or two.

In roasting veal, care must be taken that it is not at first placed in too hot an oven; the fat of a loin, one of the most delicate joints of veal, should be covered with greased paper; a fillet, also, should have on the caul until nearly done enough.


Project Gutenberg
The Whitehouse Cookbook (1887) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.