The Lost World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Lost World.

The Lost World eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 278 pages of information about The Lost World.

And now, my readers, if ever I have any, I have brought you up the broad river, and through the screen of rushes, and down the green tunnel, and up the long slope of palm trees, and through the bamboo brake, and across the plain of tree-ferns.  At last our destination lay in full sight of us.  When we had crossed the second ridge we saw before us an irregular, palm-studded plain, and then the line of high red cliffs which I have seen in the picture.  There it lies, even as I write, and there can be no question that it is the same.  At the nearest point it is about seven miles from our present camp, and it curves away, stretching as far as I can see.  Challenger struts about like a prize peacock, and Summerlee is silent, but still sceptical.  Another day should bring some of our doubts to an end.  Meanwhile, as Jose, whose arm was pierced by a broken bamboo, insists upon returning, I send this letter back in his charge, and only hope that it may eventually come to hand.  I will write again as the occasion serves.  I have enclosed with this a rough chart of our journey, which may have the effect of making the account rather easier to understand.


“Who could have Foreseen it?”

A dreadful thing has happened to us.  Who could have foreseen it?  I cannot foresee any end to our troubles.  It may be that we are condemned to spend our whole lives in this strange, inaccessible place.  I am still so confused that I can hardly think clearly of the facts of the present or of the chances of the future.  To my astounded senses the one seems most terrible and the other as black as night.

No men have ever found themselves in a worse position; nor is there any use in disclosing to you our exact geographical situation and asking our friends for a relief party.  Even if they could send one, our fate will in all human probability be decided long before it could arrive in South America.

We are, in truth, as far from any human aid as if we were in the moon.  If we are to win through, it is only our own qualities which can save us.  I have as companions three remarkable men, men of great brain-power and of unshaken courage.  There lies our one and only hope.  It is only when I look upon the untroubled faces of my comrades that I see some glimmer through the darkness.  Outwardly I trust that I appear as unconcerned as they.  Inwardly I am filled with apprehension.

Let me give you, with as much detail as I can, the sequence of events which have led us to this catastrophe.

When I finished my last letter I stated that we were within seven miles from an enormous line of ruddy cliffs, which encircled, beyond all doubt, the plateau of which Professor Challenger spoke.  Their height, as we approached them, seemed to me in some places to be greater than he had stated—­running up in parts to at least a thousand feet—­and they were curiously striated, in a manner which is, I believe, characteristic of basaltic upheavals.  Something of the sort is to be seen in Salisbury Crags at Edinburgh.  The summit showed every sign of a luxuriant vegetation, with bushes near the edge, and farther back many high trees.  There was no indication of any life that we could see.

Project Gutenberg
The Lost World from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.