Boy Scouts in Southern Waters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 225 pages of information about Boy Scouts in Southern Waters.

Boy Scouts in Southern Waters eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 225 pages of information about Boy Scouts in Southern Waters.

Harry dashed to the rail and seized the ring life preserver from its beckets.  As Arnold rose to the surface and reached out for the unfortunate man from the schooner, Harry flung the ring-buoy with unerring aim.  It fell true, and within Arnold’s reach.

Gradually pulling in the line, Harry and Tom drew their chum to the side of the Fortuna.  The figure in his arms appeared perfectly lifeless.  Quickly they prepared to take both on board.

“Make a bowline in a bight in that line,” directed Harry.  “Pass it down to Arnold and let him send us up the man first.”

“Right-o,” responded Tom, quickly preparing the line.

It was but the work of a moment to securely fasten the line about the man’s limp form and in another moment he was safely on deck.  Arnold followed, coming over the rail like a monkey.

First aid to the drowned was administered rapidly by the boys who prided themselves upon their proficiency in this art.

“Looks like a nasty bump he got on the coco, too,” commented Tom.  “How’d they happen to sneak upon us so close?” he added.

“Humph!” grunted Harry.  “We all forgot to keep the Klaxon going while we listened to that fairy tale about the Spanish Treasure Chest.  Maybe they forgot to blow their fog horn also, and there you are.  Natural result of neglect.  That’s easy.”

“Where are they now?” queried Arnold peering about in the fog.

“I believe that as soon as they saw we were picking up this chap,” Jack replied, “they filled their sails and away they went.  Certainly they are not here now.”

“Hush, boys, he’s coming to,” declared Tom, watching the newcomer anxiously for signs of returning consciousness.

“Sure enough,” assented Harry.  “I tell you that little trick of pulling a fellow’s tongue out isn’t near as good as turning him face down.  Look how easily this chap came around.”

“We’d better get him in and get him to bed as soon as we can, boys,” admonished Jack.  “He needs a warming up.”

“I’ll start the electric heater and percolate some coffee for both of we rescued persons,” declared Arnold.  “Lucky I hadn’t put on my oilskins after getting dinner,” he added.

Quickly the boys carried the stranger to the cabin and put him into one of the berths.  There every care was bestowed to make him comfortable and easy, while Arnold prepared the coffee.

“Lay right there and don’t try to talk,” advised Arnold.  “I’ll stay with you and see that you don’t want for anything.”

“That’s kind of you,” replied the stranger.  “What vessel is this, if I may ask before you make me keep quiet?”

“This is a gasoline pleasure launch,” replied Arnold.

“Oh, thanks,” replied the stranger.  “Now, I’ll rest a while.”

In the pilot house the boys discussed the incident that had so nearly resulted in a collision.  They were all excited and beginning to feel the strain upon their nerves.

Project Gutenberg
Boy Scouts in Southern Waters from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.