Making His Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Making His Way.

Making His Way eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 170 pages of information about Making His Way.

“I will hint as much when I see him.  It may clear the way for you.”

“I wish you would, sir.”

“Come and see me again, Frank,” said the colonel, as Frank rose to go.

“I certainly will, sir.”

“Your father’s son will always be welcome at my house.  When did you say your school term closes?”

“In a fortnight.”

“I will see your stepfather within a few days.  By the way, Frank, wouldn’t you like a gallop on Ajax to-night?”

“Yes, sir; I should enjoy it.”

“Come out to the stable with me, then.”

Ajax whinnied with delight when he saw his old, or rather his young master, and evinced satisfaction when Frank stroked him caressingly.

“Sam,” said Col.  Vincent, “Frank is to ride Ajax whenever he pleases.  Saddle him for his use whenever he asks you.”

“That I will, sir” answered Sam.  “Often and often I’ve seen Mr. Frank on his back.  Doesn’t he ride well, though?”

“Don’t flatter me, Sam,” said Frank, laughing.

Five minutes later he was on the back of his favorite horse, galloping down the road.

“I hope I shall meet Mark,” thought Frank.  “I would like to give him a sensation.”

Considering the manner in which Mark had treated his stepbrother, Frank may be excused for the wish to puzzle him a little.

Finding himself lonely, Mark decided to take a walk not long after Frank’s departure.  He was sauntering along the road, when he heard the sound of hoofs, and, to his surprise, saw his stepbrother on the back of Ajax.

His first thought was that Frank had gone to Col.  Vincent’s stable and brought away Ajax without permission, in defiance of Mr. Manning’s will.  He resolved to take him to task for it immediately.  Frank purposely slackened the speed of his horse in order to give Mark the chance he sought.

“Why are you riding Ajax?” asked Mark.

“It is a pleasant evening,” answered Frank, “and I thought I should enjoy it.”

“Where did you get him?”

“From Col.  Vincent’s stable, where he never ought to have been carried,” answered Frank, with spirit.

“You seem to think you can do anything you like, Frank Courtney,” said Mark, provoked, deciding that his suspicions were well founded.

“Is there any particular reason why I should not ride Ajax?” demanded Frank.

“You have made yourself liable to arrest for horse stealing,” said Mark.  “It would serve you right if Col.  Vincent should have you arrested and tried.”

“I don’t think he will gratify your kind wishes, Mark.”

“Just wait and see what my father has to say to you.”

“I have only done what I had a perfect right to do; but I can’t stop to dispute with you.  I must finish my ride.  Hey, Ajax!”

As he spoke the horse dashed into a gallop, and Mark was left looking after him in a disturbed frame of mind.

Project Gutenberg
Making His Way from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.