Every Step in Canning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Every Step in Canning.

Every Step in Canning eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 223 pages of information about Every Step in Canning.

11.  With a sharp pointed knife cut around the shoulder blade, pull it out of position and break it.

12.  Find the white spots on the ribs and cut through the ribs on these white spots.

13.  Cut back to the vent; cut around it, and loosen.

14.  Begin at the crop and remove the digestive tract from the bird, pulling it back toward the vent.

15.  Remove the lungs and kidneys with the point of a knife.

16.  Cut off the neck close to the body.

17.  Cut through the backbone at the joint or just above the diaphragm.

18.  Remove the oil sack.

19.  Separate the breast from the backbone by cutting through on the white spots.

20.  Cut the fillet from each side of the breastbone.

21.  Cut in sharp at the point of the breastbone, turning the knife and cutting away the wishbone with the meat.  Bend in the bones of the breastbone.


Use a one quart jar.  Caution:  Do not pack the giblets with the meat.

1.  Have the jar hot.

2.  Pack the saddle with a thigh inside.

3.  Pack the breastbone with a thigh inside.

4.  Pack the backbone and ribs with a leg inside.

5.  Pack the legs large end downward, alongside the breastbone.

6.  Pack the wings.

7.  Pack the wishbone.

8.  Pack the fillets.

9.  Pack the neck-bone.

10.  Pour on boiling water to within one inch of the top; add a level teaspoonful of salt; place the rubber and cap in position, partially seal, and sterilize for the length of time given below for the particular type of outfit used: 

Water bath, home made or commercial (pint or quart jars) 1 hour Water seal, 214 deg. 3 hours 5 pounds steam-pressure 2 hours 10 to 15 pounds steam-pressure 1 hour

Remove jars; tighten covers; invert to cool, and test joints.  Wrap jars with paper to prevent bleaching.


Young pigeons.  Dress pigeons, wash well, and roast for 30 minutes basting frequently.  Some pieces of fat bacon put over the breasts will prevent them getting too dry.

Old pigeons.  Dress, wash, and fry pigeons.

Brown some onions in the fat with the pigeons, using a pound of onions to a dozen birds.  Cover with hot water after pigeons and onions are a golden brown; simmer until the meat is tender and can be removed from the bones.  Add from time to time boiling water, if necessary, in order to keep the birds covered.  When tender, take meat from bones.  Return the meat to the liquor, salt to taste and pack while boiling into cans or jars, fill with liquor to within one-half inch of top.

Project Gutenberg
Every Step in Canning from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.