Youth and Sex eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about Youth and Sex.

Youth and Sex eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 102 pages of information about Youth and Sex.

Case C.—­A boy of fourteen came to me.  He was a miserable specimen in every way—­pale, lethargic, stupid almost beyond belief.  He had no mother; and the father, though a man of leisure, evidently found it difficult to make the lad much of a companion.  I felt certain from the first that the boy was an exceptionally bad victim of self-abuse; And this I told his father, advising him to investigate the matter.  He was horrified at my diagnosis, and committed the great indiscretion of taxing the boy with self-abuse as though it were a conscious and grave fault.  The father wrote during the vacation saying that he found I was entirely mistaken:  not, content with the lad’s assurance, he had watched him with the utmost care.  As soon as the boy returned to school I interviewed him.  He admitted readily that he had long masturbated himself daily—­sometimes oftener.  He had first—­as far as he could remember, at about six—­had his private parts excited by his nurse, who apparently did this to put an irritable child into a good temper!  My warning had little effect upon him, as he had become a hopeless victim.  He was too delicate a boy for us to desire to keep; and after a brief stay at school, during which we nursed him through a critical illness, he left to finish his education under private tuition at home.

Case D.—­This boy came to me at thirteen.  He was always a conscientious and amiable boy, but was nervous and dull.  By fifteen his dullness had increased, and he complained of brain-strain and poorness of memory.  Finally he began to develop St. Vitus’s dance.  I sent him to our school doctor, who returned him with a note saying that his condition was serious—­that he must stop all work, &c. &c.  I was in my study when the lad came back, and I at once told him what was the matter.  He frankly admitted frequent self-abuse, which he had learned from an elder brother.  He had not the least suspicion that the habit was injurious; but was very apprehensive about his future until I reassured him.  He wanted me to write at once and warn a younger brother who had fallen into the habit.  By great effort he got himself rapidly under control.  His nervous twitchings disappeared, his vitality improved, the brain-fag gradually ceased; and when he left, eighteen months later, he was fairly normal.  His improvement continued afterwards, and he is now a successful man of business and a married man.

Case E.—­This boy entered at twelve.  He was very weak physically and highly nervous—­owing, his people thought, to severe bullying at a previous school.  He was an able boy, of literary and artistic tastes, and almost painfully conscientious.  He was very shy; always thought that he was despised by other boys; and was a duffer at games, which he avoided to the utmost.  With my present experience I should have known him to be a victim of self-abuse.  Then, I did not suspect him; and it was not until he was leaving at eighteen for the University that

Project Gutenberg
Youth and Sex from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.