Chapters on Jewish Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Chapters on Jewish Literature.

Chapters on Jewish Literature eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about Chapters on Jewish Literature.

Achai, Gaon and author, 70.

Acharonim, later scholars, 240.

AEsop, used by Berachya ha-Nakdan, 157.

“Against Apion,” by Josephus, 34.

Akiba, a Tanna, 23, 24-26.
  characteristics and history of, 24-26.
  school of, 26.
  fable used by, 65. 
  Alphabet by, 175.

Al-Farabi, works of, translated, 185.

Alfassi. See Isaac Alfassi.

Alfonso V of Portugal, Abarbanel with, 225.

Alfonso VI of Spain, takes Toledo, 126.

Alfonso X of Spain, employs Jews as translators, 150, 156.

Almohades, the, a Mohammedan sect, 134, 135.

“Alphabet of Rabbi Akiba,” Kabbalistic work, 175.

Amoraim, the, teachers of the Talmud, 44.
  characterised, 45-46.
  some of, enumerated, 46-52.

Amram, Gaon, liturgist, 70.

Anan, the son of David, founder of Karaism, 75.

Andalusia, the Spanish Piyut in, 85.

“Answers.” See “Letters”; “Responses.”

“Antiquities of the Jews,” by Josephus, 34.

Antonio de Montesinos, and the Ten Tribes, 208, 247.

Apion, attacks Judaism, 36.

Apocrypha, the, addresses of parents to children in, 194.

Aquila, translates the Scriptures, 26.
  identical with Onkelos, 26-27.

Aquinas, Thomas, studies the “Guide,” 140.

Arabic, used by the Gaonim, 71.
  in Jewish literature, 83.
  poetry, 84.
  translation of the Scriptures, 91, 93, 94.
  commentary on the Mishnah, 135.

Aragon, Spanish Piyut in, 85.

Aramaic, translation of the Pentateuch, 27.
  used by Josephus, 37.
  language of the Talmud, 44.
  used by the Gaonim, 71.
  translation of Scriptures in the synagogues, 94.
  language of the Zohar, 173.

Arbaea Turim, code by Jacob Asheri, 234, 239.

Archimedes, works of, translated, 150, 185.

Aristotle, teachings of, summarized, 140.
  interpreted by Averroes, 149.
  works of, translated, 185.

Aruch, the, compiled by Zemach, 70.
  by Nathan, the son of Yechiel, 121, 200.

Asher, the son of Yechiel, the will of, 195-196.
  codifier, 234.

Ashi, Amora, compiler of the Talmud, 51-52.

Atonement, the Day of, hymn for, 162.

“Autobiography,” the, of Josephus, 34.

Averroes, works of, translated, 148, 149, 185.

Azariah di Rossi, historian, 221-222, 223.

Azriel, Kabbalist, 171.

Azulai, Chayim, historian, 220.

Babylonia, Rabbinical schools in, 44.
  centre of Jewish learning, 49, 68.
  loses its supremacy, 92.

Bachya Ibn Pekuda, works of, translated, 148.
  ethical work by, 190.

Bacon, Roger, on the scientific activity of the Jew, 150.

Bahir, Kabbalistic work, 171.

Bar Cochba, Akiba in the revolt of, 24.

Project Gutenberg
Chapters on Jewish Literature from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.