The Unknown Eros eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Unknown Eros.

The Unknown Eros eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Unknown Eros.

O England, how hast thou forgot,
In dullard care for undisturb’d increase
Of gold, which profits not,
The gain which once thou knew’st was for thy peace! 
Honour is peace, the peace which does accord
Alone with God’s glad word: 
‘My peace I send you, and I send a sword.’ 
O England, how hast thou forgot,
How fear’st the things which make for joy, not fear,
Confronted near. 
Hard days?  ’Tis what the pamper’d seek to buy
With their most willing gold in weary lands. 
Loss and pain risk’d?  What sport but understands
These for incitements!  Suddenly to die,
With conscience a blurr’d scroll? 
The sunshine dreaming upon Salmon’s height
Is not so sweet and white
As the most heretofore sin-spotted soul
That darts to its delight
Straight from the absolution of a faithful fight. 
Myriads of homes unloosen’d of home’s bond,
And fill’d with helpless babes and harmless women fond? 
Let those whose pleasant chance
Took them, like me, among the German towns,
After the war that pluck’d the fangs from France,
With me pronounce
Whether the frequent black, which then array’d
Child, wife, and maid,
Did most to magnify the sombreness of grief,
Or add the beauty of a staid relief
And freshening foil
To cheerful-hearted Honour’s ready smile! 
   Beneath the heroic sun
Is there then none
Whose sinewy wings by choice do fly
In the fine mountain-air of public obloquy,
To tell the sleepy mongers of false ease
That war’s the ordained way of all alive,
And therein with goodwill to dare and thrive
Is profit and heart’s peace? 
   But in his heart the fool now saith: 
’The thoughts of Heaven were past all finding out,
Indeed, if it should rain
Intolerable woes upon our Land again,
After so long a drought!’
   ’Will a kind Providence our vessel whelm,
With such a pious Pilot at the helm?’
   ’Or let the throats be cut of pretty sheep
That care for nought but pasture rich and deep?’
   ’Were ’t Evangelical of God to deal so foul a blow
At people who hate Turks and Papists so?’
   ’What, make or keep
A tax for ship and gun,
When ’tis full three to one
Yon bully but intends
To beat our friends?’
   ’Let’s put aside
Our costly pride. 
Our appetite’s not gone
Because we’ve learn’d to doff
Our caps, where we were used to keep them on.’ 
   ’If times get worse,
We’ve money in our purse,
And Patriots that know how, let who will scoff,
To buy our perils off. 
Yea, blessed in our midst
Art thou who lately didst,
So cheap,
The old bargain of the Saxon with the Dane.’ {35}
   Thus in his heart the fool now saith;
And, lo, our trusted leaders trust fool’s luck,
Which, like the whale’s ’mazed chine,
When they thereon were mulling of their wine,
Will some day duck. 
   Remnant of Honour, brooding in the

Project Gutenberg
The Unknown Eros from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.