The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 569 pages of information about The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai.

The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 569 pages of information about The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai.

As Poliahu and the others stood in their mantles of snow, sparkling in the light, the group of players were in an uproar because of these women, because of the strange garments they wore; at the same time cold penetrated the whole kilu shelter and lasted until morning, when Poliahu and her companions left Kauai.  At the same time Hinaikamalama left Kauai.

When we get to Laieikawai’s coming to Kauai after Kekalukaluokewa’s marriage with Laieikawai, then we will begin again the story of Hinaikamalama; at this place let us tell of Kauakahialii’s command to his friend, and so on until he meets Laieikawai.

After their return from Hawaii, Kauakahialii lived with Kailiokalauokekoa at Pihanakalani. [58] Now the end of their days was near.

Then Kauakahialii laid a blessing upon his friend, Kekalukaluokewa, and this it was: 

“Ah! my friend, greatly beloved, I give you my blessing, for the end of my days is near, and I am going back to the other side of the earth.

“Only one thing for you to guard, our wife.[59] When I fall dead, there where sight of you and our wife comes not back, then do you rule over the island, you above, and our wife below; as we two ruled over the island, so will you and our wife do.

“It may be when I am dead you will think of taking a wife; do not take our wife; by no means think of her as your wife, for she belongs to us two.

“The woman for you to take is the wife left on Hawaii, Laieikawai.  If you take her for your wife it will be well with you, you will be renowned.  Would you get her, guard one thing, our flute, guard well the flute,[60] then the woman is yours, this is my charge to you.”

Kauakahialii’s charge pleased his friend.

In the end Kauakahialii died; the chief, his friend, took the rule, and their wife was the counsellor.

Afterwards, when Kailiokalauokekoa’s last days drew near, she prayed her husband to guard Kanikawi, their sacred flute, according to Kauakahialii’s command: 

“My husband, here is the flute; guard it; it is a wonderful flute; whatever things you desire it can do; if you go to get the wife your friend charged you to, this will be the means of your meeting.  You must guard it forever; wherever you go to dwell, never leave the flute at all, for you well know what your friend did when you two came to get me when I was almost dead for love of your friend.  It was this flute that saved me from the other side of the grave; therefore, listen and guard well my sayings.”


After Kailiokalauokekoa’s death, the chief’s house and all things else became Kekalukaluokewa’s, and he portioned out the land[61] and set up his court.

After apportioning the land and setting up his court, Kekalukaluokewa bethought him of his friend’s charge concerning Laieikawai.

Then he commanded his counsellor to make ready 4,000 canoes for the journey to Hawaii after a wife, according to the custom of a chief.

Project Gutenberg
The Hawaiian Romance Of Laieikawai from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.