Ticket No. "9672" eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Ticket No. "9672".

Ticket No. "9672" eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 179 pages of information about Ticket No. "9672".

And now was this scoundrel Sandgoist about to step forward, ticket in hand, to claim the prize?

“Number 9672 wins the prize of one hundred thousand marks!” repeated the director.  “Who claims it?”

“I do.”

Was it the usurer of Drammen who answered thus?

No.  It was a young man—­a young man with a pale face, whose features and whole person bore marks of prolonged suffering, but alive, really and truly alive.

On hearing this voice, Hulda sprung to her feet, uttering a cry that penetrated every nook and corner of the large hall; then she fell back fainting.

But the young man had forced his way impetuously through the crowd, and it was he who caught the unconscious girl in his arms.

It was Ole Kamp!


Yes; it was Ole Kamp!  Ole Kamp, who, by a miracle, had survived the shipwreck of the “Viking.”  The reason the “Telegraph” had not brought him back to Europe can be easily explained.  He was no longer in the region visited by the dispatch-boat, for the very good reason that he was already on his way to Christiania on board the vessel that had rescued him.

This is what Sylvius Hogg was telling.  This is what he repeated to all who would listen to him.  And what a crowd of listeners he had!  This is what he related with the triumphant accents of a conqueror!  Those around him repeated it to those who were not fortunate enough to be near him, and the good news flew from group to group until it reached the crowd that filled the court-yard and the neighboring streets.

In a few moments, all Christiania knew that the young mate of the “Viking” had returned, and that he had won the grand prize of the Schools Lottery.

It was a fortunate thing that Sylvius Hogg was acquainted with the whole story, as Ole certainly could not have told it, for Joel nearly smothered him in his embrace while Hulda was regaining consciousness.

“Hulda! dearest Hulda!” said Ole.  “Yes, it is I—­your betrothed—­soon to be your husband!”

“Yes, soon, my children, very soon!” exclaimed Sylvius Hogg.  “We will leave this very evening for Dal.  And if such a thing was never seen before, it will be seen now.  A professor of law, and a member of the Storthing will be seen dancing at a wedding like the wildest youth in the Telemark.”

But how had Sylvius Hogg become acquainted with Ole Kamp’s history?  Simply through the last letter that the Naval Department had addressed to him at Dal.  In fact this letter—­the last he had received, and one whose receipt he had not mentioned to any one—­contained another letter, dated from Christiansand.  This second letter stated that the Danish brig “Genius” had just reached Christiansand, with several survivors of the “Viking” on board, among them the young mate, Ole Kamp, who would arrive in Christiania three days afterward.

Project Gutenberg
Ticket No. "9672" from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.