Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

Searchlights on Health eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 507 pages of information about Searchlights on Health.

2.  SYMPTOMS.—­About eight days after the exposure a little redness and then a pimple, which soon becomes an open sore, makes its appearance, on or about the end of the penis in males or on the external or inner parts of the uterus of females.  Pimples and sores soon multiply, and after a time little hard lumps appear in the groin, which soon develop into a blue tumor called bubo. Copper colored spots may appear in the face, hair fall out, etc.  Canker and ulcerations in the mouth and various parts of the body soon develop.

3.  TREATMENT.—­Secure the very best physician your means will allow without delay.

4.  LOCAL TREATMENT OF BUBOES.—­To prevent suppuration, treatment must be instituted as soon as they appear.  Compresses, wet in a solution composed of half an ounce of muriate of ammonia, three drachms of the fluid extract of belladonna, and a pint of water, are beneficial, and should be continuously applied.  The tumor may be scattered by painting it once a day with tincture of iodine.

5.  FOR ERUPTIONS.—­The treatment of these should be mainly constitutional.  Perfect cleanliness should be observed, and the sulphur, spirit vapor, or alkaline bath freely used.  Good diet and the persistent use of alteratives will generally prove successful in removing this complication.

  Bin-iodide of mercury, 1 gr. 
  Extract of licorice, 32 gr.

Make into 16 pills.  Take one morning and night.

  Bichloride of mercury, 15 gr. 
  Lime water, 1 pt.

Shake well, and wash affected parts night and morning.

  Cyanide of silver, 1/2 gr. 
  Powdered iridis, 2 gr.

Divide into 10 parts.  To be rubbed on tongue once a day.

  A 5 per cent. ointment of carbolic acid, in a good preparation.


  Warm poultice of linseed meal,
  Mercurial plaster,
  Lead ointment.


1.  SYMPTOMS.—­When gonorrhoea is not cured at the end of twenty-one or twenty-eight days, at which time all discharge should have ceased, we have a condition known as chronic clap, which is nothing more or less than gleet.  At this time most of the symptoms have abated, and the principal one needing medical attention is the discharge, which is generally thin, and often only noticed in the morning on arising, when a scab will be noticed, glutinating the lips of the external orifice.  Or, on pressing with the thumb and finger from behind, forward, a thin, white discharge can be noticed.

2.  HOME TREATMENT.—­The diet of patients affected with this disease is all-important, and should have careful attention.  The things that should be avoided are highly spiced and stimulating foods and drinks, as all forms of alcohol, or those containing acids.  Indulgence in impure thoughts is often sufficient to keep a discharge, on account of the excitement it produces to the sensitive organs, thus inducing erections, which always do harm.

Project Gutenberg
Searchlights on Health from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.