The Sunny Side eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about The Sunny Side.

The Sunny Side eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about The Sunny Side.

Now Her Royal Highness Princess Amaril was of an age to be married.  Many Princes had sought her hand, but in vain, for she was as proud as she was beautiful.  Indeed, her beauty was so great that those who looked upon it were blinded, as if they had gazed upon the sun at noonday—­or so the Court Poet said, and he would not be likely to exaggerate.  Wherefore Hi-You was filled with a great apprehension as he walked to the Palace, and Frederick, to whom the matter had been explained, was, it may be presumed, equally stirred within, although outwardly impassive.  And, as they went, Hi-You murmured to his companion that it was quite all right, for that in any event she could not eat them, the which assurance Frederick, no doubt, was peculiarly glad to receive.

“Ah,” said the King, as they were shown into the Royal Library, “that’s right.”  He turned to the Princess.  “My dear, prepare for a surprise.”

“Yes, Father,” said Amaril dutifully.

“This,” said His Majesty dramatically, throwing out a hand, “is a Prince in disguise.”

“Which one, Father?” said Amaril.

“The small black one, of course,” said the King crossly; “the other is merely his attendant.  Hi, you, what’s your name?”

The swineherd hastened to explain that His Majesty, with His Majesty’s unfailing memory for names, had graciously mentioned it.

“You don’t say anything,” said the King to his daughter.

Princess Amaril sighed.

“He is very handsome, Father,” she said, looking at Hi-You.

“Y-yes,” said the King, regarding Frederick (who was combing himself thoughtfully behind the left ear) with considerable doubt.  “But the real beauty of Prince Frederick’s character does not lie upon the surface, or anyhow—­er—­not at the moment.”

“No, Father,” sighed Amaril, and she looked at Hi-You again.

Now the swineherd, who with instinctive good breeding had taken the straw from his mouth on entering the Palace, was a well-set-up young fellow, such as might please even a Princess.

For a little while there was silence in the Royal Library, until Frederick realized that it was his turn to speak.

“Humph!” said Frederick.

“There!” said the King in great good humour.  “Now, my dear, let me tell you what that means.  That means that His Royal Highness is delighted to meet so beautiful and distinguished a Princess.”  He turned to Hi-You.  “Isn’t that right, my man?”

“Perfectly correct, Your Majesty.”

“You see, my dear,” said the King complacently, “one soon picks it up.  Now in a few days—­”

“Humph!” said Frederick again.

“What did that one mean, Father?” asked Amaril.

“That meant—­er—­that meant—­well, it’s a little hard to put it colloquially, but roughly it means”—­he made a gesture with his hand—­“that we have—­er—­been having very charming weather lately.”  He frowned vigorously at the swineherd.

Project Gutenberg
The Sunny Side from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.