Missionary Survey As An Aid To Intelligent Co-Operation In Foreign Missions eBook

Roland Allen
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Missionary Survey As An Aid To Intelligent Co-Operation In Foreign Missions.

Missionary Survey As An Aid To Intelligent Co-Operation In Foreign Missions eBook

Roland Allen
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 133 pages of information about Missionary Survey As An Aid To Intelligent Co-Operation In Foreign Missions.
-------------- | Number of | Number of Missionaries | Proportion of Province. | Industrial | Engaged in such | Total | Institutions. | Institutions. | Missionaries ------------------------------------------------------------
--------- | | | __________|________________|________________________|_______


------ | Number of | Number of | Proportion of Province. | Industrial | Native Agents | Native Christian | Missions. | Employed. | Workers Employed. ------------------------------------------------------------
- | | | __________|_____________|________________|__________________

In some missions the proportion of missionaries and native workers so employed would be very small; in others they would be very considerable.  There is now a tendency to hand over some of the industrial work as it develops along commercial lines to Boards of Christian men who are interested in the social and spiritual aspect of the work.

In the province we must also consider union work, work done in common by two or more societies,[1] sometimes evangelistic, sometimes medical or educational training, sometimes the establishment, or enlargement of an educational or medical institution; or sometimes, as in Kwangtung in South China, several societies unite in a “Board of Co-operation”.  This union of societies for the better and more efficient performance of their work is a most important development of the last few years:  important both to the workers on the field and to us at home.  We ought, therefore, to have a short table to show what is being done.

-------------- | Number of Societies | | Number | Co-operating in |Number of | of |--------------------------------| Societies |Remarks Societies|Evangelistic|Medical|Educational| Co-operating| and at Work. | Work. | Work. | Work. | in all Work.|Conclusions. ---------+------------+-------+-----------+-------------+---
--------- | | | | | ---------+------------+-------+-----------+-------------+---

[Footnote 1:  The larger and more important movements towards corporate union, such as those now taking place in S. India, China, and E. Africa, lie outside the scope of this survey until their completion affects their statistical returns.  Then the importance of them will speedily appear.]



Project Gutenberg
Missionary Survey As An Aid To Intelligent Co-Operation In Foreign Missions from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.