The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.

The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.
1 can lobster 1 cupful breadcrumbs 1 quart milk 1 quart water 1 tablespoonful flour 1/4 cupful Crisco Salt, pepper, red pepper, and grated nutmeg to taste Squares fried bread Thin lemon slices

Open a can of lobster of good quality, take out best pieces and cut into small squares without tearing; put them aside.  Place remains of lobster in mortar or basin, and pound quite smooth with Crisco.  Soak bread in water, adding flour, and seasonings, and put all on fire in soup pot with pounded lobster and Crisco; stir till it boils, and boil for fifteen minutes; then pass it through sieve, add milk and pieces of lobster, and return to the pot till it boils up.  Serve with small squares of fried bread, and send thin slices of lemon to table with it.  This is an excellent soup, and can of course be made with fresh lobster.

Norfolk Puree

1/2 cupful barley, pearl 1 quart water 3 pints white stock 1/2 cupful cream 1 yolk of egg 2 tablespoonfuls Crisco 4 tablespoonfuls cooked carrot balls 4 tablespoonfuls cooked peas Salt, pepper, and paprika to taste Diced toast or fried bread

Put barley into saucepan of cold water, bring to boil, let boil five minutes, then drain off water; this removes the slightly bitter taste.  Now put barley into saucepan with Crisco and water, let these boil gently until barley is tender, drain, and rub through sieve.  Add stock to this puree and let simmer ten minutes.  Beat yolk of egg with cream and when soup has cooled slightly, strain them in.  Stir soup over fire a few minutes to reheat; but be careful that it does not boil, or it will curdle.  Season carefully, add carrot balls and peas, which should first be heated in a little stock or water.  Serve with dice of toast or fried bread.  If you do not possess a round vegetable cutter, cut the carrot into small dice.  This is a particularly nourishing soup.  If you prefer a slightly cheaper variety, use milk instead of cream, and if you have no white stock use milk and water in equal proportions instead, and cook a carrot, turnip and onion in milk and water for twenty or thirty minutes.

Soup Verte

4 tablespoonfuls flour 3 tablespoonfuls Crisco 2 quarts stock 1 bunch parsley 1 lb. spinach 1 bunch parsley 1 teaspoonful sugar 2 egg yolks 1 lemon Salt and pepper to taste

Put stock into saucepan; add spinach and parsley, picked and thoroughly washed; let all boil twenty minutes; strain, rubbing puree through sieve.  Return it all to saucepan, add Crisco and flour mixed together with cupful of water, sugar and strained juice of a quarter of lemon.  Let boil five minutes.  Beat yolks of eggs with 1/4 cupful water, add them gradually to soup off fire, and stir near fire until cooked.  Soup must not boil after yolks are added.  Season with salt and pepper and serve.

Project Gutenberg
The Story of Crisco from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.