The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.

The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.
Beef, loin or ribs, rare, per lb.          8 to 10 minutes
Beef, loin or ribs, well done, per lb.    12 to 16 minutes
Beef, ribs, rolled, rare                  12 to 15 minutes
Beef, ribs, rolled, well done             15 to 18 minutes
Beef, fillet, rare                        20 to 30 minutes
Beef, fillet, well done                         60 minutes
Mutton, leg, rare, per lb.                      10 minutes
Mutton, leg, well done, per lb.                 14 minutes
Mutton, forequarter, stuffed, per lb.     15 to 25 minutes
Lamb, well done, per lb.                  15 to 20 minutes
Veal, well done, per lb.                  18 to 22 minutes
Pork, well done, per lb.                        20 minutes
Venison, rare, per lb.                          10 minutes
Chicken, per lb.                          15 to 20 minutes
Turkey, nine lbs.                                  3 hours
Goose, nine lbs.                               2-1/2 hours
Duck, domestic                            1 to 1-1/4 hours
Duck, wild                                20 to 30 minutes
Grouse                                    25 to 30 minutes
Ham                                           4 to 6 hours
Fish, 3 or 4 lbs.                         45 to 60 minutes
Small fish and fillets                          20 minutes
Beans with pork                               6 to 8 hours
Bread, white loaf                         45 to 60 minutes
Graham loaf                               35 to 45 minutes
Baking powder biscuits                    12 to 15 minutes
Gems                                      25 to 30 minutes
Quick doughs                               8 to 15 minutes
Cookies                                    8 to 10 minutes
Gingerbread                               20 to 30 minutes
Sponge cake                               45 to 60 minutes
Cake, layer                               20 to 30 minutes
Cake, loaf                                40 to 60 minutes
Fruit cake                                    2 to 3 hours
Cake, wedding                                 3 to 5 hours
Cakes, small                              15 to 25 minutes
Batter puddings                           35 to 45 minutes
Pies                                      30 to 50 minutes
Tarts                                     15 to 20 minutes
Patties                                   15 to 25 minutes
Vol-au-vent                               50 to 60 minutes
Muffins, yeast                                  30 minutes
Muffins, baking powder                    20 to 25 minutes
Indian pudding                                2 to 3 hours
Rice or tapioca pudding                             1 hour
Bread puddings                            45 to 60 minutes
Scallop dishes                            15 to 20 minutes
Custard                                   35 to 45 minutes
Custard in cups                           20 to 25 minutes


Project Gutenberg
The Story of Crisco from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.