The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.

The Story of Crisco eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 304 pages of information about The Story of Crisco.
Pilau of Fowl Glazed Carrots Potatoes au Gratin Lettuce and Nasturtium Salad Vanilla Eclairs Coffee_

_*Pilau of Fowl_—­Truss fowl for boiling, place in pan with 3 cups stock or water and simmer 30 minutes.  Wash and dry 1 cup rice.  Melt 2 tablespoons Crisco and fry 1 chopped onion to golden brown in it; remove onion to plate, add 2 extra tablespoons Crisco and fry rice and 1/4 cup blanched almonds till yellow, add onion, 2 tablespoons seeded raisins, with salt and paprika to taste.  Tie in piece of muslin 3 cloves, 6 whole white peppers, 1 bay leaf, and 1 inch cinnamon stick and add them.  Make hole in center of rice, lay fowl in it, pour in 1 cup of the stock, let simmer until fowl and rice are cooked, adding more stock as rice swells.  Turn fowl over during cooking.  Serve fowl with rice around it.

September 30

Raw Oysters Steamed Fish, Lemon Sauce Potatoes Stuffed Tomatoes Radish and Lettuce Salad *Hot Cheese Sandwiches Vanilla Cream Puffs Coffee

Hot Cheese Sandwiches_—­Melt 1/4 pound cheese with 3 tablespoons Crisco, 1/2 teaspoon salt, few grains red pepper, and 1 teaspoon mustard; moisten with a little vinegar and spread between thin slices of white bread.  Cut into neat rounds.

October 1

Veal Cutlets Rice Croquettes Lima Beans Cabbage and Apple Salad *Nut Pudding Coffee

Nut Pudding_—­1 cup soft breadcrumbs, 2 cups scalded milk, 1 tablespoon Crisco, 1 cup chopped nuts, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 2 egg yolks, 3/4 cup sugar, juice and grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 egg whites beaten until stiff, and 2 squares chocolate, melted.  Mix breadcrumbs, milk, Crisco, nuts, salt, egg yolks, sugar, chocolate, juice and rind of lemon.  When well blended, cut and fold in whites of eggs; pour into Criscoed individual molds, and bake 20 to 30 minutes.  Serve hot with cream.


October 2

Tomato Bisque Crackers Baked Sweet Potatoes Baked Beans Corn Fritters Lettuce, French Dressing *Orange Pie Coffee

Orange Pie_—­Line pie tin with Crisco pastry.  Beat yolks of 3 eggs with 1 cup sugar till light; add 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2/3 cup milk, grated rind and strained juice of 1 orange.  Place in double boiler and stir till it thickens, then pour on to crust and bake 30 minutes.  Cover top with meringue made with whites of eggs and sweetened with 3 tablespoons sugar and flavored with 1 teaspoon orange extract.  Place in oven to brown.


October 3

Cream of Lettuce Soup *Vegetable Souffle Baked Potatoes Boiled Green Peppers Stuffed Egg Salad Apple Tapioca Coffee

Vegetable Souffle_—­Blend 3 tablespoons Crisco with 2 tablespoons flour, add 1 cup milk, stir till boiling, add 1/2 cup grated cheese, yolks of 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons chopped parsley, seasoning of salt, pepper, and red pepper, and cook till it thickens.

Project Gutenberg
The Story of Crisco from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.