The Lake of the Sky eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 436 pages of information about The Lake of the Sky.

The Lake of the Sky eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 436 pages of information about The Lake of the Sky.
certain magic qualities.  He was to start on his journey.  If he saw the Evil One coming he was to drop a bit of the branch and water would immediately spring up.  The Evil One could not cross water, and thus, being delayed by going around, would give the Indian time to escape.
The Indian made his way well along to where Tallac Hotel now is, when, looking back, he saw the Evil One off in the distance approaching with such strides that his heart was filled with great fear.  In his terror he tried to pluck a leaf but it snapped off and he dropped almost his whole branch.  To his delight and relief the waters began to rise and soon “Tahoe”—­Big Water—­lay between him and his enemy.
Free-heartedly he hurried on his way up the canyon, but when he reached the spot where the head of Fallen Leaf Lake lies, he turned to reassure himself.  Away off the Evil One was advancing.  A new terror filled his soul.  In his hand there remained of his magic branch only one little twig with a single leaf on it.
Plucking the leaf, he threw it down and watched it fall waveringly through the air.  As it touched earth the waters again began to rise and “Doolagoga”—­Fallen Leaf—­sprang into being and on its surface floated the little leaf, as many leaves now float in the fall of the year.

    Turning, he sped up the ravine, dropping bits of his twig as
    fear directed him, and in his path, Lily, Grass, and Heather
    lakes came up to guard his way.

    At last he was over the crest of the mountain and found
    himself safe in the long-wished-for Valley of California.


Once long ago in Paiuti-land, Nevada, there lived two brothers.  The older was a hunter and brought home much game.  His wife, whose name was Duck, used to cook this for him, but she was very stingy to the younger brother, and often times he was hungry.  When he begged her for food, she scolded him and drove him out of the campoodie, saying, “Got none for you.”
One day when the older brother was off hunting Duck was cleaning some fish.  She had been very cross to Little Brother, refusing to give him any food, and he was terribly hungry.  Presently he came creeping up behind her and when he saw all the fish he became very angry.  He took up a big club and before Duck could turn around he hit her on the head and killed her.  Paying no attention to her dead body he cooked and ate all the fish he wanted and then lay down in the sunshine on a big rock and went fast asleep.
By and by his Hunter Brother came home.  Of course when he found his wife dead, he was filled with great anger at his young brother, though his anger was lessened when he thought of his wife’s cruelty.  He shook him very roughly and said, “I no like you any more!  I go away.  Leave you alone!” But Little
Project Gutenberg
The Lake of the Sky from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.