The Secret of Dreams eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about The Secret of Dreams.

The Secret of Dreams eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 35 pages of information about The Secret of Dreams.

     Chicago Tribune, Saturday, March 12, 1921.

Dreams being led to hiding place of missing girls.  Mother’s vision of her daughter comes true.  Girl of my dreams.  Sounds like the title of a new song, doesn’t it.  The girl is Evelyn Niedziezko, 17 years old.  She lives at 3939 South Campbell avenue.  Last Wednesday night she disappeared from home.  That night and on Thursday night her mother dreamed of her.  In both dreams she saw her daughter enter a flat building.  It seems to her in her dreams it was on Cottage Grove avenue, near 27th street.  Last night Mrs. Niedziezko reported the girl’s disappearance to the police.  Lieut.  Ben Burns, to whom the mother talked, asked her if she had any idea as to where the girl might be staying.  She told her dreams.

     Told to go through with it.

“Do you think it would be any use to go over to Cottage Grove avenue and look around?” she asked.  “I haven’t much faith in dreams myself, and I guess the police would think I was crazy if I asked them to make a search on the strength of a dream.”  Lieut.  Burns believes in dreams and hunches and such things, and he advised Mrs. Niedziezko to go through with it.  Mrs. Niedziezko went over to Cottage Grove avenue, and walked around until she saw a flat building that looked just like the picture that had come to her that night in her vision.  She had seen her girl sitting in a dining room of such a flat.  The house proved to be 2727, mystic numbers.  The family of William Llewellyn lives there.

     Get police to help find girls.

Mrs. Niedziezko went to the Cottage Grove avenue Police Station, and asked for help to search the flat for her girl.  She did not say anything about her dream for fear they would laugh at her.  Detectives Pieroth and Fitzgerald accompanied her to the building.  In answer to the ring Evelyn herself came to the door.  Evelyn had been visiting a friend.

The mother had, no doubt, been thinking daily of her daughter’s disappearance and unconsciously impressed the idea on the ego, and as the ego carries out the impressions of our waking state, she actually brought the knowledge of her astral experience into the waking consciousness, and the intense desire on the mother’s part was the direct cause of her bringing the same experience through two successive nights, showing the ego can impress on the mind important information.  The ego is also the source of premonitory dreams.


     Chicago Evening American, Friday, March 25, 1921.

Christian H. Ronne, 60, president of the C.H.  Ronne Warehouse, 372 West Ontario street, dropped dead in the Traffic Club on the eighteenth floor of the Hotel La Salle two weeks after he had informed his son-in-law, C.A.  Christensen, cashier of the Mid-City Trust and Savings Bank, of a premonition of death.


Project Gutenberg
The Secret of Dreams from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.