Principles of Freedom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Principles of Freedom.

Principles of Freedom eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 168 pages of information about Principles of Freedom.


If we want full revenge for the past the best way to get it is to remain as we are.  As we are, Ireland is a menace to England.  We need not debate this—­she herself admits it by her continued efforts to pacify us in her own stupid way.  Would she not ignore us if it were quite safe so to do?  On the other hand, if we succeed in our efforts to separate from her, the benefit to England will be second only to our own.  This might strike us strangely, but ’tis true, not the less true because the English people could hardly understand or appreciate it now.  The military defence of Ireland is almost farcical.  A free Ireland could make it a reality—­could make it strong against invasion.  This would secure England from attack on our side.  No one is, I take it, so foolish as to suppose, being free, we would enter quarrels not our own.  We should remain neutral.  Our common sense would so dictate, our sense of right would so demand.  The freedom of a nation carries with it the responsibility that it be no menace to the freedom of another nation.  The freedom of all makes for the security of all.  If there are tyrannies on earth one nation cannot set things right, but it is still bound so to order its own affairs as to be consistent with universal freedom and friendship.  And, again, strange as it may seem, separation from England will alone make for final friendship with England.  For no one is so foolish as to wish to be for ever at war with England.  It is unthinkable.  Now the most beautiful motive for freedom is vindicated.  Our liberty stands to benefit the enemy instead of injuring him.  If we want to injure him, we should remain as we are—­a menace to him.  The opportunity will come, but it would hardly make us happy.  This but makes clear a need of the human race.  Freedom rightly considered is not a mere setting-up of a number of independent units.  It makes for harmony among nations and good fellowship on earth.


I have written carefully that no one may escape the conclusion.  It is clear and exacting, but in the issue it is beautiful.  We fight for freedom—­not for the vanity of the world, not to have a fine conceit of ourselves, not to be as bad—­or if we prefer to put it so, as big as our neighbours.  The inspiration is drawn from a deeper element of our being.  We stifle for self-development individually and as a nation.  If we don’t go forward we must go down.  It is a matter of life and death; it is out soul’s salvation.  If the whole nation stand for it, we are happy; we shall be grandly victorious.  If only a few are faithful found they must be the more steadfast for being but a few.  They stand for an individual right that is inalienable.  A majority has no right to annul it, and no power to destroy it.  Tyrannies may persecute, slay, or banish those who defend it; the thing is indestructible.  It does not need legions to protect it nor genius

Project Gutenberg
Principles of Freedom from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.