Deer Godchild eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 58 pages of information about Deer Godchild.

Deer Godchild eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 58 pages of information about Deer Godchild.

How are you?  I am very well and I have ganed 5 Ibs. in one weak which makes me 85 Ibs. which is thot very good in America.  Have you had much snow?  We have had it considerable hear which has spoylt the skating on Frost Lake which is beehind old Sam Bursars house who is our naybor.  I am glad you have a short name, I had ruther be cald Andre than Nickulus, Cristuff or Jean-Marie, but I wood ruther you were cald Bill or Pete or Sniper, but you cant help being what they call you so never mind.  I suported you this weak by selling 70 copies of the Greenville Mirror by hand.  It is a good paper and shood be patronized.  I wakt into Jim Parkers offis he is the editur and sed, Mister Parker, if you have a loose job and no man fer it I am the man you want, and he sed how old are you? and I sed 11. and he sed what you want a job fer? and I sed, O fer a kid I have in France and he sed since I was suportin you if I cood sell 70 copies of the Mirror he wood give me 35 cts. and Mother had give me 15 fer mindin the chikens when she went to Peeks-kill, so I new it would be al-rite, so I sed very well your on.  So I took the mirrors and stood on the corner of School street, and bimeby the men begin to come home from the city, and some of them stopt to buy a Mirror and some did not, so I thot I wood make an appeel so I hollered, Buy a Mirror fer a kid in France, and waived it in there faces, and you shood have seen them buy!  Enneway I guess the Mirror is a good ole paper, when all the men had come home I thot I wood take the papers to the folks that wernt on the street, like the schoolmaams and the sisters.  Well most of them hot fine exept miss Leigh the Sunday school teacher, and she sed the Mirror was a low down politishuns sheet and I sed buy it fer Lily Blanche her help, and she sed what are you so ankshus to sell papers fer?  And I sed how do you expect me to suport a kid in France if you peeple wont help out? and she sed the Lord will provide, but I told her I wood ruther do it myself; and she said I guess He’s doin it threw you, so at last she forkt up, and I went home at 6 o’clock, but I tell you I had a prety tuf day.  Say how is your mussel?  Have you enny brothers and sisters?  I have five, they are Amanda aged 16, Cecilia aged 10, Myra-Louise aged 7, Molly aged 6, and Heloise aged 5.  I come between the fust too.  Dad wanted to call Heloise Omeega after Alfred and Omeega in the Bibel, but Mother sed that was foolish and I guess it was, cause there was no boy to be Alfred excep me, and I was alredy James, so he give it up.  Sid Perkins is suportin a girl in France and hes auful rich, and dont have to work to keep her goin.  Gee, Im glad your a boy, girls is al-rite in there line but I woodnt adop one fer love or money.  Can you here the shootin from where you are?  I have seen the new American submareen and it is a fine bus, I tell you if ever the Yankees come runnln over there you wont see Kaiser Bill fer dust.  Do you like prisners base?  What grade are you in?  Well, hoping you are well and that some day we will meet somewhere in France, I will close.

Project Gutenberg
Deer Godchild from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.