The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 189 pages of information about The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon.

The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 189 pages of information about The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon.

“Yes, of course we are,” chorused Walt and Stacy, though there was no enthusiasm in the fat boy’s tone.

“I am of the opinion that you boys should take turns in cooking the meals, say one boy to cook for an entire day, another to take the job on the following day.”

“I’ll cook my own,” declared the guide.  “No tenderfoot experiments in my chuck.”

“They know how to cook, Mr. Nance,” explained the Professor.

“All right; they may cook for you,” said the guide, with a note of finality in his tone.  He glanced up at the sky, held out his hand and shook his head.  Tad observed the movement.

“What is it?” asked the boy.

“It’s going to snow,” said Dad.

Tad laughed, glancing at his companions.

“What, snow in June?” questioned Stacy.

“You must remember that you are a good many thousand feet up,” the Professor informed him.

“Up?  I thought I was down in a crater.”

“You are both up and down,” spoke up Tad.

“Yes, I’m usually up and down, first standing on my feet then on my head,” retorted Stacy.  “How are we going to sleep?”

“Same as usual.  Pick out your beds, then roll up in your blankets,” directed Dad.  “You are used to it, eh?”

“Well,” drawled Chunky, “I’ve slept in a good many different kinds of beds, but this is the first time I ever slept in a lava bed.”

True to Dad’s prophecy, the snow came within half an hour.

“Better turn in before the beds get too wet,” advised Dad.

All hands turned in.  Sleep did not come to the boys as readily as usual.  They had been sleeping in real beds too long.  After a time the snow changed to rain in the warmth of the crater.  Chunky got up disgustedly.

“I’m tired of sleeping in the bath tub,” he declared.  “Think I’ll move into the hall bedroom.”

Chuckles were heard from beneath other blankets, while Stacy, grumbling and growling, fussed about until he found a place that appeared to be to his liking.

“When you get through changing beds perhaps you will give us a chance to go to sleep,” called the guide.

Stacy’s voice died away to an indistinct murmur.  Soon after that quiet settled over the dark hole in the mountain.  The rain came down harder than ever, but by this time the Pony Rider Boys were asleep.  They neither heard nor felt the water, though every one was drenched to the skin.

Toward morning Tad woke up with a start.  He thought something had startled him.  Just then an unearthly yell woke the echoes of the crater.  Yell upon yell followed for the next few seconds, each yell seeming to be further away than the preceding one, and finally dying out altogether.

“It’s Chunky!” shouted Tad, kicking himself free of his blankets and leaping up.  “Some thing’s happened to Chunky!”


Project Gutenberg
The Pony Rider Boys in the Grand Canyon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.