Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.

Sacred Books of the East eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 632 pages of information about Sacred Books of the East.
Thou shalt sprinkle the left armpit; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the chest.  Thou shalt sprinkle the chest; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the back.  Thou shalt sprinkle the back; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right nipple.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right nipple; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left nipple.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left nippie; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right rib.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right rib; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left rib.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left rib; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right hip.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right hip; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left hip.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left hip; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the sexual parts.  Thou shalt sprinkle the sexual parts.  If the unclean one be a man, thou shalt sprinkle him first behind, then before; if the unclean one be a woman, thou shalt sprinkle her first before, then behind; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right thigh.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right thigh; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left thigh.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left thigh; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right knee.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right knee; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left knee.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left knee; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right leg.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right leg; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left leg.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left leg; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right ankle.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right ankle; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left ankle.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left ankle; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the right instep.  Thou shalt sprinkle the right instep; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left instep.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left instep; then the Drug Nasu turns round under the sole of the foot; it looks like the wing of a fly.  He shall press his toes upon the ground and shall raise up his heels; thou shalt sprinkle his right sole; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left sole.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left sole; then the Drug Nasu turns round under the toes; it looks like the wing of a fly.  He shall press his heels upon the ground and shall raise up his toes; thou shalt sprinkle his right toe; then the Drug Nasu rushes upon the left toe.  Thou shalt sprinkle the left toe; then the Drug Nasu flies away to the regions of the north, in the shape of a raging fly, with knees and tail sticking out, droning without end, and like unto the foulest Khrafstras.  And thou shalt say these victorious, most healing words:  ’The will of the Lord is the law of righteousness.  The gifts of Vohu-mano to deeds done in this world for Mazda.  He who relieves the poor makes Ahura king.  What protector hadst thou given unto me, O Mazda! while the hate of the wicked encompasses me?  Whom, but thy Atar and Vohu-mano, through whose work I keep on the world of Righteousness?  Reveal therefore to me thy Religion as thy rule!  Who is the victorious who will protect thy teaching?  Make it clear that I am the guide
Project Gutenberg
Sacred Books of the East from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.